Navlights not working

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Well-known member
Oct 23, 2008
I seem to be having a problem with my navigation lights, They dont work right now, But did earlier in the year, I was fishing one night and they wouldn't come on so we left for home, When we got the boat in the garage i tried them and they worked and worked for a while after that but now they will not come on at all I assume that it may be the switch but they will not come on at the deck of the boat either any ideas I've checked the terminals on the swithes and they seem to be making good contact and i don't see any corrosion on them could the small resistors on the black wires on the back of the switch be the problem? any help will be appreciated.
This might be too easy, but have you checked the fuses? I had a similar issue a couple months ago and I checked every switch, cable, etc and it turned out to be the dern fuse. Good luck!
I found the problem, It was the crimp on terminal it was'nt making good connection it's all good now. Thanks for the advice though, Maybe you can help me with this problem? My aux livewell switch will not work in the on position but it will in the timed position checked the switch for continuity and it worked just dont seem to be getting power to the pump through the switch, Thinking it's another terminal thing but hate tryin to get to it with all that mess under the dash. But may have to any ways.
I had a similar problem with my livewell. It would work on timer sometimes and manual sometimes and sometimes not at all. My problem was the plug going to the timer module had worked its self loose causing a bad connection. Reconnected it and secured with a wire tie..... No more problems.
I have an old Stratos and the timer under the dash could move it around and it would come on. Took it out and found a terminal on it loose and had to get it and resolder it.

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