Need an HV/AC contact. Anyone here do it?

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I don't know crap about HV/AC ('cept'n it's got summat ta do wiff keepin' the frost offin ya), but I'd be right happy to take your Christmas money from ya! Thanks!!
Call Chuck and Galen James at H&J... 332-4322. Not sure of their CFF handle but they have been long time sponsors and supporters of the CBA
Call Clayton at Reliable. His handle here also is Reliable.. I work for him, he does work for me. They have good, well trained crews that don't leave behind messes. emoThumbsup
saltyduck - 11/26/2013 12:05 PM

Call Chuck and Galen James at H&J... 332-4322. Not sure of their CFF handle but they have been long time sponsors and supporters of the CBA

Great guys!