need an opinion on reels

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As always, let me preface this by saying "I'm CERTAINLY no expert"! That said...</p>

I have always liked Quantum's stuff, and have never tried Browning's. I have 2 of the Tournament Grade model combos (maybe the next step up from the one in your link?) that cost around $70 at Wally World. Both are 6-6 MH, and I like them for the price. </p>

As far as inexpensive reels go (and I've tried quite a few
 !), the little silver Shakespeares ($30? at WM) loaded w/ 10# test cast and retrieve very well. Paired up w/ a $25 Berkley rod (7 M?) you have a nice little combo for a beginner. I have 2 of those reels, and never have to even thumb the spool on a long cast. </p>

Just my $.02.</p>
<font color="#ff0033">I can't give you much help on new stuff...I'm still using Quantum1310mg that I have had forever...and they still are working can still get these at Wally World for mid 50's..and they are good reels and easy for a 12 yr old to learn to use...that's my .02 worth...FA</font>
I'll give my opinion ,although someone will feel the need to shoot me down no doubt.
There is probably not a great deal of difference in the reels other than two more bearings
in the Browning possibly making it a little better than the one.Oddsare ,they are both made in the same
Chinese factory.I suspect the rod may be a little better with the Browning,also,but I'm not sure about
that.Anyway,since he is just starting with casting reels, I would get him a lefty model if he is right handed or vice-versa.Also, on the action of the rod,I would suggest a medium if he will mostly throw crank-baits and other lures,or a medium-heavy if he will use it for plastic worms more.For either one the 6'6'' should work well.My 12 year old is getting a new Quantum Accurist 501 pt for Christmas.
It will go on a Falcon "old Favorite" 6 foot, pistol grip, medium heavy.He will use it as his worm rod and throw plugs with his spinning rods.He has been using bait casters for a number of years now and since they have been mine and I am left handed,they have been right hand models.He has complained about having to switch hands after casting with his right and says he can't set the hook as well with his left .
He is right handed.Maybe something here is of use to you.
If its not a Christmas gift, wait till after the first of the year. Bass Pro and Cabelas will be looking to move out their 07 reels and combo's. I have had good luck with BP or Cabelas branded reels. If you wait, you can get one at a good price. Check online or go to the Atlanta BPS. The Atlanta store is one of the busiest, and gets chosen to move out last years models. The Nash. and Knox stores don't seem to have many good specials.
You've got a good paying job these days, so suck it up and buy him an old style curado (the green model), can usually find some good deals on ebay!!! Then put it on a BPS bionic blade and he'll be set!!! When ya coming home again, maybe i'll get you out of the woods and onto the water....might even show you the 7 pounder spot at whiteville lake!!!!emoPoke emoPoke emoPoke carl
I've got that exact Quantum Bill Dance..... mines a left handed with the 7 ft rod.. I really enjoy mine because it's simple and really
easy for me to cast... i usually use mine with a buzz so that makes it easier. I paid $69 for mine so i'd say that's a pretty good
deal youre getting.
good find BP, I'd rather get him a shimano, i love em. but no curado's for his first baitcaster, cousin john don't make that kind of cash. carl, i'm flying into memphis the night of the 22nd and flying out the 30th. just as much as it is to drive, but i save the 26 hours on the road.

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