That is what I am talking about. The high speed jet and the passage may be PARTIALLY clogged up. MAKE SURE you have no water in the fuel, water will get around a jet and lean it out. Easier for fuel to pass through a jet than water, especially a small HP engine may only have a .050 main jetI just looked yours up and it has a .035 jet. In order to test a coil it must be able to jump a large gap. I have a tester with 6 leads to test 6 coils at one for weak spark. You have a ADI Igniton that uses a powerpack, could run into alot with it. Can test if dropping spark under a load by instaling a inductive timing light on each cylinder and load it up on the water and see if it quits flashing, that will tell you if it is dropping out when trasition from low to high voltage on the stator but not the strenth of the spark. But change the plugs if you already haven't. Could be as simple as that. I rebuilt a 50 horse OMC that came to me in boxes. I put the plugs back in it that came in the head they looked new. It wouln't idle had to mess with the sync to get it to run. I noted when I pulled th plugs the #2 was COLD after being ran. Replaced the plugs and had to resync it because it was idleing really high. I repaired alot of boats that overnight developed a "bogg" under load with spark plugs, have had 1 turn out to be a mechanical issue. Hope this helps.