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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2006
I have been asked by a few of the guys i fish with to starts having a somewhat different kind of tx insted of having a place we fish out of they want to meet somewhere that morning or evening if a night tx and put 5 boat ramps in the pot draw one and go fish the tx there i dont really mind it and the drawbacks are 1 with the way gas prices are you would basicly have a short distance to drive and anyones hotspots would be within a boat drive 2 If someone showed up and didnt want to fish where was drawn they would simply go back home and you would know for sure how many would show up till you actually got to the ramp 3 What if there were other tx coming out of the ramp at the same time you were would be alot of congestion not sure what to do any oppinion will be appreciated
  Sounds like you pretty well got it figured out. I know of it was me and someone put in a place that was far away, I would have to bow out of it. If all the ramps are close and you had a midway point to meet I guess it wouldn't be so bad. Then again all that driving time is going to lessen the fishing time.</p>

  If I was gonna do that I would have to say have it on one certain lake and just draw for the closest 5 ramps.</p>
You ask for opinion so he is mine:

If you drop the weigh-in (measure the length of fish caught instead) you solve two problems. One being dragging the fish around in the livewell for extended period of time. and Two, it allows you to launch from any ramp you want to use.

Of course if the pot is big enough, somebody will try and cheat, but if it is just a friendly tx; then a paper format should work well.
You could do what we use to call a shotgun tournament. Everybody meet at a ramp, take off at the same time and go to whatever lake you want, be back at whatever time to weigh.

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