new wax question ?

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2005
I know we`ve had this discussion before but with new products being introduced all the time, I`m curious if any of you have new stuff to offer opinions on. </p>

I recently tried the Meguiars Ultimate Liquid Wax ...Pure Synthetic Polymer. calls it Hydrophobic Polymer Technology. Scares the water I guess. Says it`s for all glossy finishes and clear coats. I bought it for a first wax on a new Ford Escape I bought in the spring after scouring the internet for info for the best stuff at reasonable price. I used it recently on the first wax job on the Escape and found it was really easy to apply and probably the easiest stuff to hand buff off. It actually worked better to let it dry for a couple of hours before buffing off. Enough time to apply to the whole car and take a little break before buffing off. The best thing about it was it does not turn the plastic/rubber trim white and actually comes of it good.</p>

I`m thinking about trying it on my`94 Bullet but and not sure since the outer most layer of fiberglass differs from clearcoat on paint. I believe the fiberglass finish is some what porous compared to clearcoat acrylic paint. I`ve used theBass Boat Saver some since it came out and generally pleased with it but an looking for something with a little more long term protection. My Bullet has spent it `s life, at a minimum under a roof if not indoors, except tfor it`s time on the water. The finish is probably about 98% of what it was when it was brand new so it it probably does not needmuch more prep than agood hand wash before waxing. I won`t be waxing the "pad" itself but probably will try to cover most of the bottom of the hull too.</p>

I curious what ya`ll think about using this type of wax and what you all have found to be the best for you and your boat.</p>
I have good luck with Mequires products. Would think that one would work fine on your boat. Might check on the bottle and see if it says it's OK for fiberglass or not. About all I ever use on mine anymore is their spray wax type products, "Quick Wax" mostly. It doesn't last forever, but is relatively painless to apply and take off. On a sad note, looks like the creek will be muddied up again for a while. That's life in the big city, I guess. Have a good one!
I used mequires wax last spring and worked great. Wasn't the stuff your talking about but I forget the name. It was a paste that come in a little can. It left a really good shine and was as slick as ice. I always find a spot that isn't so visible and test it to see how it does.
I found a detailers site that said the Synthetic Polymers were the way to go on gelcoat. So I`ll give a try on my cooler lid that is now exposed since I removed the center seat just to try it first.

Yes John may be spring before we can get back in our creek...almost 4" and counting ! here's a comparison. The Heller Glanz was out of stock for a long but is now available and can only be bought from the manufacturer. I buy the Meguiars pure wax 56 by the Gallon, it's almost cheap that way. If anybody cares, it's about $43 a gallon (128 oz.) vs. around $20 for 16 oz. Not sure how old this chart is but It's been in my favorites for about a year. The Meguiars 56 is very easy to use and you can build it up, in a good way.
On a slightly different slant chillerman...when I ordered my Escape I had noticed on some of the stickers on the new cars on the lot, something called Armourcoat ( I think) that was a dealer addon for about 400$. I asked the guy running their new car prep dept what it was . He said it was some kind of super duper wax that was guaranteed for like 4-5 years. He showed me with his fingers what sounded like a pint bottle ....said it cost $700. I didn`t order it but would like to see what one looks like after 3-4 years.
Anybody heard or tried this type of wax product ????

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