Nick Dam Tailwaters

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bent rod

Well-known member
May 8, 2007
Winchester, Tn.
As I was reading a fishing report on the Strippers below Nick Dam,(2/28) a reply from Whisler11 involving all the boat traffic reminded me of an incident down there a couple of years ago. A young couple was tied to the end of the wing wall in about a 16 ft. flatbottom. One of the boats running up to the boils brought a big wave and pulled the small boat loose, The young man cranked his motor and tried to get back up there to retie. Just as he was getting in position, another boat ran up to the boils bringing yet another big wave. The small boat bumped into the wall and the girl that was reaching for their peg in the wall, got knocked out of the boat. That water there is scarey just to look at, I can imagine what it would be to be in it. Anyway, she grabbed a hold on the boat and he pulled her back in like an Eagle snatches a fish off the surface of a lake. I personally would like to see the whole area from the lock wall to the dam, both sides a No Wake Zone. There is so many boats of every design down there when the fish are biting. JMO
i believe that should be the case below any dam. having fished small boats for years i can tell you it gets pretty scary when they come up through there full throttle and nearly swamp you, i had a couple of rod and reels fall off my boat deck last summer do to the same thing.
I couldn't agree more Rick. The thing that kills me is that people think they can run less than 30 yards from you when you are on a fishing spot, period. Wing wall or not. But yes, below the dam, there are a few that act as though it's a Walmart parking lot with little concern of others. I can't imagine one of my kids falling in right there. I've had the current suck my boat around that wing wall so fast that the trolling motor wouldn't even get you out, but having to start up the big motor to get back out. Maybe this post will raise others awareness of how they move about below all dams, and any other body of water out there. About a month ago, I was fishing a main lake point above the dam. Pulled up, dropped the trolling motor to work up to shore and a white Stratos came zipping between me and the shore. I was less than 35 yards from shore!