Nickajack-black bass-8/11

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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2006
It was a pleasant day to be on the water. That's about all I can say for it. I had one 'for certain' bass bite. He was all of 8 inches, and didn't even make it to the boat. I had several bites; the only fish landed was a bluegill. I think I should have been there earlier, and fished a spinnerbait or buzzbait most of the day. I haven't been out consistently, and have lost my feel again. It will take a couple of trips to get it back, I'm afraid.

adamwstewart, find an eddie current behind some bruch or a point or a bend in the river and you'll find fish stacked up there. I haven't been on Nickajack all summer but there are tons of fish in those areas on the Chick.
I'll give it a try. I'm actually going down to Guntersville today or tomorrow--I've heard some good things down there, and my license is good through September, I believe. I imagine I can find the same thing on the Big G.
Yes, in fact the structural elements are much more important than the grass "cover". The cover is were you will find them but the structure tells you what cover to fish.