Night Stalking,Crappie

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puddle jumper

Well-known member
Oct 9, 2007
Calhoun, Ga
Something I never see on here is anyone talking about night fishing for crappie on any of the lakes, Is it just that im not hearing about it or do people not night fish on the Tn river?? I know the crapie are there so whats up???

Things that make me go Hummm... emoScratch

Thanks guys
Puddle... emoUSA
I dont think we have many night-time crappie guys on the forum PJ. I see them all the time, but I believe you have to fish minners to catch them at night right??
Man puddle I love that night time crappie fishin. Wish i hadnt got away from it.. i remeber a few years back it seemed that that was all i did...But them dang bass have drawn me away.. emoDoh
Many years ago I caught crappie under a floating light. Sure was a cool summer way of getting those tasty morsels !!! </p>

Makes me want to try it again </p>

Thanks!emoAngler </p>
Night fishing for crappie??? Are you kidding me. I fall asleep during the 6:00 evening news. emoUpsmile

I used to do that a little. It is a fun way to have fellowship with a couple of friends. It sure do get exciting when a school of white bass show up and tangle everybody's lines. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
I used to do it a lot on Weiss and some on Chickamauga. It is too hard on me anymore though. If I fish all night then the next day is wasted and I feel bad for a couple days.
I can catch more crappie during the day with jigs anyway.
cheez - 7/18/2008 8:38 AM

I used to do it a lot on Weiss and some on Chickamauga. It is too hard on me anymore though. If I fish all night then the next day is wasted and I feel bad for a couple days.
I can catch more crappie during the day with jigs anyway.

Hi Cheez,
Are you saying that jigs are not effective at night? Minnows only?

Jigs are less effective at night than they are during the day. Night is the only time that minnows will out produce jigs.
cheez - 7/18/2008 11:10 AM

Jigs are less effective at night than they are during the day. Night is the only time that minnows will out produce jigs.

Cheez I am sure you know what you are talking about. But in my case I would have to say they are both about equally ineffective emoBigsmile. In other words, you know what you are doing, and that makes a world of difference.

If you use jigs use them on the bottom, that way it makes noise when it ocasionally bumps into something. White seems to be the best color, try to fish when you can get some illumination from the moon. Sometimes crappie dont turn on untill real late.
Seems to me it would be a fun night of hanging around on the water the night before I have to go on night shift,,, beats watching TV half the night..maybee even pick up a cat or two while I was doing it..
Wolftever Bridge and afew sweet spots out in the lake can get so crouded in the summer you can't find a bridge colum to tie off to. On Saterday night as the Jet Skiees come out there is normoaly a long line of Night Owls waitting in a long line, getting there rod holders mounted and drop lights ready to tie end. Great way to fish in a summer time heat. Not all us can get up with the chickens. YES NIGHT FISHING IS ALIVE AND WELL. So try some beleave you will love it just watch out for the FOG when it rolls in if you don't have a G.P.S.. Have fun.....
Really you need a new moon, so that your light will be the only light for the fish to come to. Jigs & minnows are equally good producers as they are in the daytime. I'll be out tomorrow night, will post report.
I think that the crappie have gone to the deep water and night fishing is a great way to bring them up and in schools when you have a light shinning down to attract the minnows. At this time of year when it's so hot and the chiggers are so thick on the water night is a great time to catch the crappie, emoThumbsup I will probably start next week fishing at night as today's trip convinced me that the "shallow" fishing produces little with the 88* water temp.
Fish near deep water, (+35 or 40 feet deep) with a light shinning down into the depths.
I have found that it's mostly a waste of time until around 10 or 11 PM to start fishing.
It doesn't take long to attract a big school of minnows so just drop a minnow down about 5 feet out from the light. Tight line with a small bell weight on the bottom and a hook up from that weight about a foot to 18 inches. Some bites may be VERY light so pay close attention, emoToast Good luck and look for me on the lake! emoThumbsup emoTongue
I haven't done it this year but I have posted some about fishing at my dock at night. The big bunches of bait usually don't get to the dock until after midnight but after then it's incredible the hundreds of thousands of baitfish that can be seen swirling under the light. I use a clamp on light that plugs in to a 120V socket. The crappies are catchable and you can use jigs. If you catch one on a jig and then cut a tiny 1-2 inch strip of meat with the skin attached from the fish it works better than a bucktail or panfish assassin. I think that the little bit of scent really makes a diffterence. I little strip of yellow bass may even work better. You can use a dip net for the really little baitfish early in the year but a cast net will get you some once they get bigger. A cast net with a 1/4 inch mesh is great for early season baitfish. A little minnow on a 1/32 to 1/16th oz jig can be great, or just a little aberdene hook with a splitshot 6-8inches above the hook works great too. I usually start fishing just below where I lose the ability to see the bait and work down from there 1-2 feet at a time. I would love to be able to see the fish strike the bait but I think that I've only seen that once, usually they won't come up to where you can see them hit the bait. It's lots of fun just watching fish below the light at night. Fish go in and out of the beam, some bass, crappie, yellow bass, bluegill, and as I said before, tons of baitfish. Once you turn the light on you can start seeing fish drawn to the light. It's fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good queston. I posted serveral back in the winter, most of ya'll said I was crazzy so I gave up. Then my computter went down after Chrismass and after that I had a rollercoster road of events take place so I haven't been on the Forum in some time.

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