No Wake Zone Downtown - Do you observe it?

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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2005
Since there is a post regarding the rowers, I am just wondering how many observe the no wake zone between the bridges downtown as a matter of course. I noticed they put those signs up probably due to cruisers blowing through there and pushing boats against the downtown docks. A bass boat running full speed on the outside of the navigation channel really isnt going to throw a wake that affects anything but I have been idling through the last time I ran it and it is a pain even though not far... comments?
That area (between the bridges) is NOT a legal "No Wake Zone" except during Riverbend.

Yes, the signs remain there all the time... but the legal "No Wake Zone" only applies during Riverbend. I have had to point that out to a couple of uninformed Auxilary Coast Guard folks.

Only the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission can establish a legal "No Wake Zone." They do so for Riverbend, but that's it. I'm not sure about during the rowing competition?

Rowing competition or not, there are times of heavy boat traffic when common courtesy and good sense might dictate that you should slow down through any congested area... but otherwise, feel free to power through downtown as fast, and as safely, you wish.
They will enforce the no wake zone while they are rowing and it sucks it's about a 2 mile idle only. Had to do it in a couple of cba's when i locked down. Early in the morning you can blow right through there but after about 9am they will make you idle.
RE: No Wakeduring riverbend? Zone Downtown - Do you observe it?

Wow are you serious? I have been slowing down through there and I hate it. Did you get pulled over? If they pull you over do you just state that it is only enforceable during Riverbend? I was wondering how they can no wake a public water way. Thanks for the info.
RE: No Wakeduring riverbend? Zone Downtown - Do you observe it?

I stay to far side and run though they If they is alot of boats tide up and Im not fishing TX I will idle.But No Wake is only legal when it is TRWA approved.Should have a sticker on it somewhere. :)
RE: No Wakeduring riverbend? Zone Downtown - Do you observe it?

fishnboy - 11/4/2011 2:46 PM

I stay to far side and run though they If they is alot of boats tide up and Im not fishing TX I will idle.But No Wake is only legal when it is TRWA approved.Should have a sticker on it somewhere. :)

Never have seen a sticker! If you go fast enough no one will see you! LOL! emoLaugh emoLaugh

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