No wake zones by docks?

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Nov 13, 2010
Signal Mountain
Is it feasible for TWRA to place no-wake buoys by public docks which are along the river. . . like Suck Creek? Every weekend I see boats getting slammed into the dock repeatedly by leisure boat wakes and boats who floor it after launching. The ramp is so small people probably don't see it, especially those traveling downriver. It's tucked away behind some trees.

I have a few dents in my hull as a testament to the damage of being tied off while a boat passes. I can't install bumpers, nor would I have enough room to store them. Even boats with bumpers get pounded more than they should at that ramp.
It won't help a lot. Chester Frost Park has a no wake zone maybe 100 yards out from the docks but you have tubes, wake board riders, and big boats that play in the water just beyond those zones and it slams the docks and the boats at the docks. I've had a couple trolling motors get tore up by that wake beating the boat on the dock while I was getting the truck to put the boat on the trailer....
TWRA Boating guide states, "Unless otherwise marked, all vessels operating within 300 feet of a commercial boat dock must do so at a slow wake speed regardless of whether or not the area is marked by buoys." IF you see the boats speeding by, get the registration numbers and turn them in they are responsible for any damage their craft causes.
75767 - 9/15/2011 12:03 AM Is a public dock considered commercial?

<font size="2" face="georgia,palatino">No, a commercial dock has a business attached,i.e. Rental space,store, or fuel pumps. It is still the responsibility of the boat owner, if their wake causes damage out side of a wake zone. You would also need witnesses or photos of the offending craft at wake speed and the damage caused. That being said, it is also the responsibility of the boat at a dock to be moored correctly, with the appropriate lines and bumpers.</font></p>
Soody Creek is another boat ramp that is very dangerous in the middle of the summer. Sure wish TWRA could make this area no wake between two bouys just as it did at Wolftever.
I dont think the no wake really would matter because people ignore it. People should be courteous but they are not. That would solve most of the issues on the lake and river. I am seriously starting to believe that if you buy a cruiser or wake boat you have to have a very low IQ and be rude as hell or else you cant get your TN registration.
Holly circle is terrible. Too many exposed screws sticking out of the dock and tons of stupid people doing donuts in front of the ramp.
You people are crazy! Don't you all know that NO WAKE signs at bridges and docks DO NOT APPLY to jet skis, ski boats and other large water crafts! Now it is a law that they wave at you and smile as they go by! Read your safe boating manuals!
beetlespin - 9/15/2011 7:53 PM

Holly circle is terrible. Too many exposed screws sticking out of the dock and tons of stupid people doing donuts in front of the ramp.

Theyr'e trying to tear the ramp up so a new one can be built with the right slope that allows you to launch your boat without wearing a bathing suit.....
wishinicouldgo - 9/15/2011 3:04 PM

Soody Creek is another boat ramp that is very dangerous in the middle of the summer. Sure wish TWRA could make this area no wake between two bouys just as it did at Wolftever.

emoGeezer I may be remembering this wrong but I thought the No Wake at Wolftever is because underwater gas lines and cables. That's what it started as anyways and it still shows on the maps (gas line that is). Maybe we can get someone to shoot us some side images of that area. Hope I am not giving anyone's "honeyhole" away lol.....

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