north chic 9/3

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2006
cleveland tn
well my oldest and i put in at drybranch creek about 1 pm and fished it a bit with no luck then putted across the river
to a couple of spots polo-dog marked for me on a map(thanks polo-dog emoThumbsup ) and even though there
was flow we didnt get any bites emoConfused lots of grass floating down the river from top to bottom though
making hard to see any fish on the graph. my son turned on the fish id on the back unit and got all excited
you would have thought there was solid fish from top to bottom with that on emoHungry
did manage a couple of small lm in dry branch with a shad super fluke and one on a tiny bumble bee rooster tail

we will have to hook up wth one of you catfish wizards next time out to learn how its done emoWorthy

m17glock and glockjr
RE: north chic 8/3

What were you using for bait. There may have been fish from top to bottom at some of those places that I marked for you. If you get a cast net and go out at dusk and cast net a bunch of threadfin shad you'll be catching fish in those areas. Put them on the bottom on a dropshot rig somewhere between 6 and 24 inches from the bottom. I catch a bunch of shad and freeze them and use them whenever I can't cast some up during the day. The fish don't care how long they've been dead. The shad are like candy to all of the fish down there and they eat them up! Try it, you'll like it.
RE: north chic 8/3

we used red weiners some of that stink paste in a tube you squirt in a hollw rubber thing and some berkley power bait cat bait on a c-rig 2 ft leader ....even chanted here kitty kitty to no avail emoBang

looks like a cast net is going to be on my shopping list ....although the thought of frozen shad in the freezer
may not apeal to the wife (we will just have to see how that flies emoScratch )

also on the shopping list is a bigger motor for the boat so we can at least get on plane and get to some spots easier
35-40 horse tiller is the most the little boat is rated for if anyone knows where one is at emoToast
RE: north chic 8/3

those red weiners taste good to cats and me!emoBigsmile emoBigsmile