glasstream - 8/13/2009 11:56 AM
I've been following these threads for a couple of days now. I've found that the majority of them have been discussions of political opinions by well informed individuals, with the exception of a few outlashes by the thin-skinned. But I don't think an inteliegent opinion should or can be formed from a Tabloid headline. And the New Yorker cover was printed as a joke during the campain and then later appoligized for. Do you really think that ANY man could burn our falg in the Whitehouse?!?
Now, I don't consider myself a Democrat or a Republican because I form my opinions from facts gathered about each individual issue, and sometimes I agree with the Rep. and sometimes with the Dem. But either way we have issues like Healthcare and Terrorism that can be inteligently discussed. I leave the tabloids to my Wife.