Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone??? 9/17/2006

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Feb 5, 2023
Had a small window to go out and get a fix Sunday morning. As a bass junkie those of you with the afliction know what I mean. Between buidling furniture and doing honey does this weekend I didn't think I would get to go at all. About 7:30 went to WT on the Chick and went for my schoolers I have been catching and could not find them. After about three hours and only twelve in the boat I went up the WTCreek and caught a couple more on the bluffs but none of what I was catching was of any size. Finally decided to try a few crappie and caught 8 crappie and one white on small jigs. Compared to the 48 bass me and FV caught the last time we went it was very slow. Still a great day to be on the water and got to see our celebrity Rsimms when I was putting in. The cooler weather is sure making it nice in the mornings, I would think here very soon they will really be schooling heavily. Caught all my bass on worms and crappie on white and chartruse crappie jigs.;) Jmax
RE: Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone???

I wondered when this report would pop up. It was good to see you JMax. Sorry we didn't have time to talk much. You know how us "celebrities" are... always got somewhere else to be. emoCool
RE: Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone???

Yea they were off a little bit, only had 9keepers from 7:30-11:00am.:eek: :eek: :eek:
RE: Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone???

Be glad you people got on the water, I was landlocked all weekend.emoBang But I did watch some (SOME) good football !emoSmile
RE: Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone???

fishinvol - 9/18/2006 8:11 PM

Be glad you people got on the water, I was landlocked all weekend.emoBang But I did watch some (SOME) good football !emoSmile

10-4 on the landlocked! It's been a month since I got to fish. If I don't get home soon the line will be dry rotted on the reels. I see a light at the end of the tunnel though. Maybe this weekend. Need slime, any slime, I'd settle for some drum slime!

RE: Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone???

12 bass and eight crappie, hum, that's not a lull in my boat. thats a banner day, but I,m just learning. The fisherman is doing his deadlevel best to help me out. He keeps telling me I'm doing better, but he still catches two to my one. Jmax, maybe I need to change instructors.

RE: Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone???

I hear you Cheez. A man has got to get his fix. I think I'm addicted to catchin fish. And the more I catch the more I want to catch. I can't help myself I just jerk & set the hook over & over. I realy should see some one about this. Maby Bill Dance?;) emoLaugh emoUpsmile emoGeezer Till I'm old & gray.
Got to go out for awhile yesterday evening with my wife . we put in at wolftever and headed towards harrison bay . started out throwing a sb and seen all the shad popping and put on a buzz bait and caught one on the first cast with it weighing a little over 3 lbs fished on around the cove and then one just came up and just killed my buzz bait it went 4.25 and then that was all I had . My wife didnt catch nothing but she gave it a good try . next year she will be fishing with me in some tourneys . Oh yeah and we just celebrated our 2nd anniversary todayemoToast
You are lucky!! My wife told me "fishing is pointless"emoRedface So I told her that "if you would have told me that while we were dating,I wouldn't have married you"emoTongue She didn't find it too funny!emoScratch Oh well,it was all in good fun.Or was it???
skeeter07 - 9/18/2006 10:05 PM

My wife didnt catch nothing but she gave it a good try . next year she will be fishing with me in some tourneys . Oh yeah and we just celebrated our 2nd anniversary todayemoToast

I hope you treated her to a nice anniversary candle light dinner, with roses and all the trimmings. But knowing all the romantic fishermen you probably took her to Burger King and thought you were doing it up big time.

Anyway, I hope you all had a very blessed anniversary.... FAemoGeezer
RE: Oh where, oh where have all the basses gone???

2jigs - 9/18/2006 7:55 PM

Yea they were off a little bit, only had 9keepers from 7:30-11:00am.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Dang, 2jigs!!!!! If I had nine keepers I would have thought I did fairly well.emoScratch I did not have a keeper in the bunch of the ones I caught(bass). A couple a hair shy but none would touch. I tried to make them just to see but just would not reach. I could have flattened them with the truck a little and they would have.emoLaugh

The schoolers I have been catching up to this weekend have been on the edges of the grass line where there is a drop and guick access to deeper water. It would appear they are stagging for the cooler weather but I just could not locate the schools this past weekend. I picked one up here and there on a worm but no groups of them could I find. Polo there was some flow and the ones on the bluffs in WT I think bit because of it, but the ones out in the main lake that keep schooling does not seem to be effected.:( Jmax
Hey fa I let her pick the place to go and eat . she loves to eat mexican food so we ate at a place called tijuanas it is in dalton . And we had a great anniversary
Jmax did you notice how big the bait fish are getting? They are huge now. I didn't get into them at all like I have been so you weren't the Lone Ranger. Noticed the weed is dying back some. Maybe they'll begin to move a little now that that is happening.