Oil bath Hubs

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Apr 11, 2008
I need to get my seals replaced for my oil bath hubs. Anybody have any recommendation's where I can get this done without spending a fortune.
Truck and Trailor can do it or if you want to save money they can sell you the parts and you do it yourself. :) Jmax
Call Alan at Hydes Automotive on 58 a couple of miles south of Harrison Bay. Great guy. Replaced my entire axle, tires, brakes etc.
fishnfool1 - 12/30/2010 3:40 PM I need to get my seals replaced for my oil bath hubs. Anybody have any recommendation's where I can get this done without spending a fortune.

2 main vendors make oil bath hubs for the marine industry. Tie Down and UFP. Do you know what brand you have? I can get them both...</p>
fish n fun is a stratos dealer, and does a bunch of these trailers, i would call around do some price checking !!
fishnfool1 - 12/31/2010 3:58 PM I can't tell you the hub manufacturer, but the trailer is a 2006 Stratos trail tandem axle.

I have the same year and the end units are UFP. Go by FishnFun and have Tom quote you. I can order them if he is out.</p>