Most damage was on the starbord side. Look to have been a combination of overheat and lack of fuel. He had been complaining of a surge at high rpms and had just gotten a new Electric fuel pump. A lean condition will also increase engine temps, so it is hard to determine when they blow like this. It did melt the coils, and the popets in the heads, and the temp senders. So I feel it was a combination of the two and the alarm WILL BE FIXED before I let him have it back. He is like most of us struggling to make ends meet so it may take a while for the whole process. Amoung the modification being done to it , it will need 1 sleeve (already has a .030 over and cylider is scuffed, will not run a wiseco in a fishing motor) , and 6 pistons. Even though the piston did not get hurt the block will more than likely be out of specs when cleaned and will need bored anyway, along with the standard parts need for a rebuild.