Olympic sports, which to kill or add?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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It's probably just me, but I have yet to watch even 1 minute of the Olympics this time around. We could suspend them for all I care about it. Bring on the pigskins. Yea, team! I'm just a football junkie, I guess. emoBigsmile Go SEC.

How does Ohio State keep getting voted in the top 2 or 3 every year when they get there tails kicked by every SEC team that they have ever faced? Not just barely beaten, but embarrassed on national TV.
How does BMX racing get to be an olympic sport. And Im sorry Skeet shooting like they had that in Greece originally. Beach volleyball suxs too. Im just glad the US has outperformed all of the Red commies around the world.
Teamchatterbait - 8/20/2008 8:17 PM

like they had that in Greece originally.

So that's the criteria? Hell, they must've been fresh out of chariots this year. I'd fully classify BMX as a sport too, unless you routinely drop three stories or jump 30' gullies on a bike sized for a 12 yr old, then it looks pretty "sporting" to me.
Even ole George likes the beach volleyball. emoBigsmile


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Fat Albert - 8/20/2008 8:48 PM

RangerRob - 8/20/2008 10:12 PM women's beach volleyball ... need I say more?</p>


<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#ff0033" size="4">PERRRR VERT......emoGrouphug </font></p>

YUP!!! emoRolleyes

Oh ... and cheez ... may the good Lord richly bless you, my friend! emoTongue
Think about it...you got sports such as "Trampoline" and "Equestrian" but they decide to get rid of Softball and Baseball. Of course, with the stupid tournament format used in Softball, maybe they should. How about some Bass Fishing and Dog Jumping. I could see KVD versus Takahiro Omori for the gold medal. Of course, as filthy as the rivers are in China, I doubt a Bass could live. Keeping in line with China's current olympics, they could use some holographic fish...
Teamchatterbait - 8/20/2008 10:17 PM

How does BMX racing get to be an olympic sport. And Im sorry Skeet shooting like they had that in Greece originally. Beach volleyball suxs too. Im just glad the US has outperformed all of the Red commies around the world.
After 20 some odd years of trying to get it in there that's how!
Don't get me started on this one.I do this every weekend on a "kiddie" track compared to the one they are on and It kicks my butt. emoAngry Now, I watched some chick dancing with a hula hoop this afternoon and they called it some kind of gymnastics?That's stupid.Watch the BMX finals tonight @9:00 and tell me that it's not a sport.Or better yet come to the track one Saturday night and try it yourself,I'll even loan you a bike.
How about some naked mixed wraslin? It sure would draw a crowd and every time a womans eyes got all crossed up they won another gold medal, they could start out with Pamela Anderson and Paris Hilton.</p>

Nah, they would just probably fake it.</p>

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