OMC Starter Issues

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May 17, 2006
My 1980 something Johnson 90 HP apparently has a bad starter bendix. I have 2 questions for our resident experts. 1. Where is the best place to buy a starter or have one rebuilt. And 2. When the starter problems started, a warning horn in the controls makes a noise best described as a cry or whine when the key is moved from off to on. What’s that?
Brenda (formerly of American Alternator) at A&D Global Supply, 2305 E 28th St. did a jam-up job on my OMC starter. 423-624-3200.
That crying/whistle sound when you turn the ignition on is, I think, just to let you know that the warning works in case your motor overheats (like mine has), in which case it starts whistling on & off until it cools down. Mine didn't always make the sound, which makes me think maybe yours just started working.
The "CRY" is probably electrical circuit back feeding and causing the alarm to cry. A 1981,82,83 model 90 HP did not have a VRO system and will NOT sound the alarm when the key is turned on unless it is hot. Post your model number so I can determine what year it is. It is more than likely a poor connection. Just makes sure all the connections are tight and the battery is fully charged. This can cause the starter to spin slow and not engage the flywheel. If it is completely inop, don't beat on the starter as this may damage the magnets and makes the starter not repairable. Just my opinion.......
Thanks ,Guys, for the help. James, I made sure the battery was fully charged and cleaned the battery, starter, Solenoid, and engine ground connections with the same results. The engine is an 82 model, and does not have the vro system. Are there other connections I should be concerned with?
Yes, the alarm cries for about .8 second when the ignition is turned to on and the starter spins but does not engage the flywheel. I am getting 12.5 volts to the starter + terminal. I have only had the boat a few days, but the alarm did not sound before and it cranked the instant you turned to start, so the starter could have been dragging a little and I would not have known it. I don’t mind replacing the starter, except for all the stuff you have to remove to get to it, because that is one less thing that will leave me stranded, but the alarm has me puzzled. I’m sure the alarm is telling me something, but I don’t know what.
Have you had the battery load tested. That action is vendicitive to a bad ground or low battery. A battery can show 12.5 volts and still be weak when put under a load. It take one heck of a battery to spin those bigf engines. I think it takes about three hundred R's to turn it fast enough to start. Test the voltage at the solenoid while tempting to engage and if the voltage aint at least 11.5 volts at that point it won't run the bendix up the shaft.
That alarm system is a simple system. It tells you it is overheated as most V-4's did not have a fuel vacuum sensor. When you turn on the key you supply 12Volts to the alarm and when the temp switches get hot, they close and supply a ground. If a circuit is back feeding, then it can cause it.

Have you performed a voltage drop test???? If not, I will post a PDF explaining how to do it. It will take me a little times as I have a TON of books and I don't remember which one it was in. I will find it an post it IF you do not know how to do it.

BubbaKat is correct, you can have a batery with 12.5 volts and it may only have 10 amps to back it. Most outboards require at least 350 CCA. If the battery is bad, it can cause you some head achs. I have delt with several starters that just needed the brushes deglazed and the bendix/shafts cleaned. JUST THIS ONE TIME, spray a SMALL amount of WD-40 on the bendix and shaft (armature) . Then see if engages. Sometimes they will stick a little from grit and grim and won't engage. If so, it just needs taken apart and cleaned and possible some new brushes installed.

Hope this helps!
I’m getting 12.5 volts tat the starter with the starter activated and spinning. I also tried a different battery. I removed the starter and had it tested. The bendix was frozen and it generally needed to be rebuilt. If, when I get it back, I don’t hear the crying noise, I’ll assume the #@&% boat is just messing with me. If the warning horn still sounds then, well, I don’t know. Thanks for all the ideas. It’s a big help to hear from folks who have had experience with similar problems when what I’m encountering just doesn’t add up.
I installed the new starter and it cranks just fine, but the warning horn still sounds when the key is turned on. I guess time will tell if this is a problem or if it's just a little joke the boat is playing on me for some unintentional slight on my part. Thanks guys for all you help.