After figuring out I could shoot a doe in Hamilton County I decided to slip out this evening and put one down. I have an area that I have gone to twice this year and each time I saw doe deer so I went there today. Got there about 3:30 and found a nice fallen tree to sit down in to conceal myself so I would not be easily seen. Set there and saw a couple squirrels and a big Hawk. The squirrels kept barking at the hawk off and on. They finally stopped when it went away. At five o'clock one of the squirrels took off barking again and I thought the Hawk was back. Eased around to see two deer coming up the mountain at a fair pace. The lead deer was a big doe and it was being pushed by a little buck. They had no idea I was anywhere around. She was bigger then he was so the thought of taking him never occurred to me. I got the scope on her and waited for her to stop. She came to a stop with me looking right at the heart area between two trees. She was about 50 to 60 yards. I don't remember pulling the trigger but I remember her trying to run with a perfect heart shot. She did not go far. He could not figure out what was going on and stayed there within range for about two to three minutes more. Then he eased off and went out of sight. She is a good one, will make some good eating this next year. emoHungry Jmax