Online registration required for Tennessee hunter education

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Question: Is hunter education legally required? On the TWRA site, it says yeah. But then a ranger told me it's not required. Don't know if the guy was screwing with me or what. I'd like to take the classes regardless. Just curious what the real answer is.
It depends on your age... if you were born BEFORE Jan. 1, 1969 than "Yes, it is required." However, even if you were born afterward it is a good idea because some states require a Hunter Education Certificate of anyone before you can purchase a non-resident license.

Tennessee Code Annotated 70-2-108 became law in 1985 and states:

(a) Every person born on or after January 1, 1969, before hunting, shall possess, in addition to all other licenses and permits required, proof of satisfactory completion of an agency approved hunter education course…
I read the TCA elsewhere and in my reading, it says it's required if you're born AFTER - not BEFORE. Am I reading it wrong? If so, I'm going to need to set up an appointment with a neurologist because my brain isn't quite right.
If you were born ON or AFTER Jan. 1, 1969, you are required to have completed the Hunter Education course. Keep in mind also, no matter what your age, you might be required to have Hunter Ed certification and/or Bowhunter certification if you hunt out of the state of TN; this could include military reservations, Indian reservations and certain states. If you do hunt out of TN, check to see what the requirements are. I have heard of a couple of folks who went out of state and found they couldn't hunt because of the certification requirements.
The online registration makes it much easier to get the class started as it cuts down on the time needed to fill out the old registration forms. We have a complete class list and can print off the certifications from the data.
I'm only 33, so it seems education is required. Which isn't a bad thing. Just hard to pull away from the family for so much time.
takenoprisoners, you can take the class online by going to and going to Education and Outreach. There are instructions on what to do to get the CD from TWRA; you can take the TN TWRA class which is free or one of the classes that charge a fee. Details are given on the website. You do the CD class on your computer, print out the completion document andtake itto a Field Day which is on a Saturday as a rule. The Field Day is a mini-class; you take the final test and shooting exercise that day.</p>

To all- I must mention that you have to carry the card or whatever that shows you have completed the course.</p>
Rollcast, Thanks so much for the help. And I'm guessing there's a list of where the field classes are each Saturday? (If they take place every Saturday.)

Thanks again!
Rollcast, I took this class when i was a very young man and again about 5 years ago with my son. When I went through the class the second time i was approached by the instructor and asked if I would be interested in becoming an istructor myself. I have alot of experiance with teaching as I own an health and safety education buisness and have been in Emergency services for the last 18 years. I was schedualed to attend a meeting with other instructors to become one myself and had a family emergency occure that took up alot of the next few months and lost the contact info. Can you tell me what I need to do in order to become an instructor?
Try this link; what county do you live in?  Hamilton, Bradley, Meigs, McMinn and Polk are in Region III.  Call the office (1-800-262-6704) and ask for Hunter Education.  The link gives the info and the Crossville office can send the application.  Tennessee has one of the top Hunter Ed programs in the country. </p></p>