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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2005
Not that this really matters, but I'm just curious what everyone thinks. Now that we are forced to put a location/lake in fishing reports... what should we call the area beneath Chickamauga Dam?

Of course it is technically "Nickajack Lake," or Nickajack Headwaters, but nobody calls it that in real life. "The Riverpark" has become somewhat of a common name for the area. Or I most often refer to Chickamauga Tailwaters.

Of course one very well know angler I won't name is famous for referring to "Chickamauga Headwaters" or "the upper end of Chickamauga" when he's fishing beneath Watts Bar.

I know there won't be a consensus, but I'm curious what everybody thinks is best to use as "Location" for the area beneath Chickamauga Dam... and how far downstream does it go?
TW Chick</p>

Tailwaters Chick </p>

You could just type "Tailwaters Chick Dam" </p>

This new format I worked on has helped up Admin and Mods tremendously! The only thing I need to get First Light to do is add the originators name to the heading. </p>
cheez - 6/7/2008 1:05 PM

Just say Nick or Nickajack and let 'em guess the rest.emoBigsmile

I'm in for doing that also, heck seems most people when they do post pics try to photoshop the background out of the pictures to hide their whereabouts anyways...emoRolleyes
I have always been a little confused about "RiverPark" reports. Are the reports coming from up at the dam, or down river thru downtown or further? I would like see reports that say "Just Below Chick Dam", Downtown, or The Bend.
I think that if you look at the dictionary that tailwater is the best term to used to label the riverine parts of the lakes below our TVA hydroelectric dams. More specific info is really not needed to put patterns together and could potentially give away info about specific fishing spots. I vote tailwaters.
Richard....being very specific is usually in direct proportion to how well one has done that day.emoEvil

Really, to me, it is 'below the dam', 'downtown' or 'bend area'. Anything below that is just Nickajack.

My 2cents...........The Barber of Senil--ity.
What!!!! There is someplace besides the "nuke"???? Why doesn't anyone tell me these things??? emoEek emoEek emoDoh
I launch my boat at the Riverpark and that is the way that I will describe any reports that I may make. If 1st light doesn't speed up the forum, I will be doing very little posting. I may go upriver to the dam, or down river to town or beyond. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Thanks for input.... I'll probably be going with "Nickajack (Riverpark)" That way I'm still technically correct, but differentiate from the REAL Nickajack Lake.
When we set that up, the field was filled as "Lake."  However I do feel that using just Riverpark would work just fine.  The intention was to keep from having titles such as, "Good bass day.."  or "I had fun."  This way folks can search by specific keywords.  Thanks for the post Richard!
I've had this explained to me numerous times since moving here. And I think you Mr. Simms pointed it out best.... Anything above Mocc Bend is considered Riverpark... in the downtown area. And I think that is what most of the area residents call it as well. When you say you were fishing at Riverpark, they think of the downtown water. At least I do.

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