Optimax compressor question

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Jan 6, 2009
Running down the lake my boat acted like it was running out of gas for about 5 seconds until it quit.
When I took the cowl off I saw the plastic cover over the flywheel was knocked out of place and the compressor pulley bolts had been sheared off.
Closer inspection on shore showed I could still turn the compressor by hand.
Island Cove is sure I need a new one at 6 hundred and change, has anyone ever rebuilt one?
It's a 06 200 hp-out of warranty by 4 mos. emoScratch
I think you probably just need new compressor bolts. They used to have a lot of problems with them shearing off. Get the broken ones out and replace and you may be fine.
Beetlespin is probably right....
If you have to replace I`d check the Bass Boat Central website....3liter mercury forum and get with European Marines Don Weed he might be able to get you a better price or other info. He`s the best I`ve found for info on anything Mercury.
Check with Wretchin, he might know of a source for the new super duper bolts or has some fantastic super glue to hold that thing together.
Doc1 - 9/12/2009 11:10 AM

Check with Wretchin, he might know of a source for the new super duper bolts or has some fantastic super glue to hold that thing together.

I checked with him first, he said he won't mess with an Optimax, thanks though Doc.
Actually I put on my testosterone suit and tore the thing off and tore it down myself. It's like a belt driven weedeater motor really.
The bearings that drive the crank are bad and it had some shavings from where the crank wore into the case. Hopefully I can find the parts without buying the whole unit.
So, I guess I'm answering my own post! Thanks for the input and it sucks to sit down and see only 45 other people logged on-'cause you know where averyone else is on a Saturday morning!
Still boatless Beetle? emoAngry
Those compressor bolts are a known issue. If it's just 4 months out of warranty, might be worth your while to at least take it to your dealer and see if Merc will give you some relief. Hope you get it going soon.
I agree with JBH3. I have heard of warranty repairs past the warranty coverage to keep a customer happy. Wish I could be more assistance!
I'll 3rd that. Call and talk to them. Some manufacturers will take care of known issues or at least help out in some way.</p>

I don't know if it's the number you need but it might be a starting point,</p>

Mercury Warranty Administration Number..........920-929-5054.</p>

Hope they help you out Ron.</p>

Most the time the ears where the bolt goes thru will will most likely be broken on the compressor as well. If thats the case you will need to get a new one. I had this happen to me 3 xs. Luckily it was under warranty, I then traded in on another motor. Bad compressors that lock up and something has to give.

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