Parksville 6-3

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2005
Lookout Valley
Let me begin right off the bat by telling you this won't be much of a report. Jmax and I met up w/ flip1up this AM to get in a little scouting for next Saturday's CFF T. Jmax had never been on the lake before so I mostly just showed him around. flip went off and did his thing while Jmax and I scouted some. Both boats managed some fish, but as it often is with P'ville - either feast or famine - today seemed to be a mixed bag of both. There was a very steady - and cool - wind blowing in from the north today that had the weather feeling more like fall than early June. Water clarity and temps ran the gammut just depending on where we were and so did the bite. Next weekend should be a great event and I'm genuinely looking forward to seeing everyone.

Thanks again to Jmax for a fun day out. As always, you're excellent company my friend.
That's it? four of you guys fished up there yesterday and thats all the info I get?:)
I need to know what happened so I can exploit your strengths and weeknessesessseesssessssssssssssssssssssssss..emoPoke
It was kinda slow for me. I caught some early on top. Then some on worms and various plastics. I didnt catch very many fish, and most of mine were largemouth. Best 5 keepers were probably 8-9 pounds. Left around 11 or 11:30, then went to the riverpark and drifted some yellowtails. I caught several pretty nice cats, up to about 10-12 pounds I recon. I couldnt get any bass to bite.
Sorry you guys didn't load the boat RR. But like you said its feast or famine up there. Here lately it has been famine from what I have heard. They have started having tournys on Tuesday and Thursday nights now and it is wearing thin on this little lake. Hope you folks does good up there this weekend.
The best time right now is late evening when they are pulling water, they have been pulling some water every couple of weeks in the early hours on saturdays.Without any generating at the dam it makes for a tough bite.
emoRolleyes I didn't say we had a bad day ... I just didn't say! It's actually the best day I've ever had up there, but was it enough to do us any good come Saturday? Dunno...

I'll give a full report on my tournament day next weekend, but for now just assume me and Jmax did so-so and I won't confirm or deny. We didn't set the world on fire ... I will tell you that, but we both learned a few things that may or may not help on Saturday. More importantly, I got to see my buddies Jmax and flip and spend a little quality time w/ them.
Okay Jmax where is your:

"Now we don't want to give away any secrets with the tournament coming up so let me say we caught all our bass in the mouth. The location of every one of them was in the water. We caught all of them on artificial baits. The baits were retrieved fast, slow, in the middle and on the bottem. Nothing was caught on a silver buddy, a rooster tail, or a puppy. I'll even go as far as to say nothing was caught on the surface. The water temp when we got there was cold and when we left it was cold +6. Now I have more than likely said too much so I am going to stop there. I hope this helps you all next week. Jmax ?????????????

RR is pretty tight lipped but Jmax, you must be able to shed some light on this subject a little bit. P'ville will be really hard for many of the guys fishing the T and most of them won't have the luxury of prefishing so, remember, these tournaments are for "all" of us to have fun and that means catching some fish so, you and RR would be good to spill at least a little. Don't you think?
RR I was gonna save you the piece of mind but I feel I just have to go ahead and tell it. One of my friends from up home was fishing in Parksville a couple of weeks ago and said things was going kinda slow. Then WHAM! he said it felt like a ton of bricks had just hit the end of his rod. After much frustration and battle fatigue he finally landed it and couldn't believe his eyes. Had to take it home and get it weighed as his hand helds didn't do anything but blink.. 10# and a couple of ounces. Largemouth!!! I have been trying to get a pic of it but unable to at this time. Waiting for hikm to get film developed. emoScratch Don't know why it wasn't a 1 hour photo deal. It would have been for me!!! Anyway, just bear in mind.....IT IS POSSIBLE.... even on this little lake. emoThumbsup
OK, OK, enough with the guilt tripemoPoke. I'll spill about a handful or so of the beans that are so closely guarded on Parksville. We fished midday on Saturday and caught 3 spots and 9 largemouth pitching t-rigs in shallow water laydowns. I caught the majority of those on a green pumpkin Ozmo rigged with a pegged 1/4oz bullet and 4/0 EWG Gammy. My father-in-law caught a couple on a Zoom U-Tail in red shad with same setup. Biggest bass weighed 2lbs 9ozs and smallest was a whopping 6 incher that suffered a ''power-set facelift''...I've lost too many bass up there due to wimpy hooksets caused by fear of line breakage emoBigsmile .
Just got on and saw that polo had already posted my report.emoLaugh I truely enjoyed fishing with Rob he isn't a half bad quide, thanks Rob. We fished a little of everything and all depths and seemed to catch a little in everything we tried. We did have a limit but size left a little to be desired. It was sooooo windy when we fished the deep drop points I couldn't feel the hits on my c-rig and Rob could feel them on his drop shot either. That may be a little lake but we had white caps it was so windy. I think it is going to be whoever has a big bite or two that will deteremine the winners. If one of our bunch catches a 10+ he/she might as well go in and wait to count his or her money.emoCool Jmax
What kind of report was thatemoScratch??? We want lure type, brand, and color as well as GPS coordinates.
If you haven't noticed, Jmax does get a bit tight lipped this time of the week before a tournament. I was just giving him a little hard time before it happened 'cause I knew that it would. I think that that's okay however, I really don't think that anyone should give up their info to a large degree. A few tid bits are always nice.