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Jun 5, 2005
Despite a severe hailstorm and a 4/0 Gammy in my arm (yes, past the barb), we still managed to put together a pretty good day. Having learned what lures and presentations work on our first trip, we spent some time cruising and casting in the myriad of coves in an attempt to put together a pattern for the day. Fortunately for us, most of the coves are nearly identical in structure, so we just duplicated what worked in the first two locations for the rest of the day. Our best five weighed a little over 11lbs, which is less than last week, but we were only on the water for six hours. The majority of the bass, all spots, were caught in 16-20 feet on various;) finesse baits.
Jason, I was there too. What kind of boat where you in? What areas did you fish? I was fishing for largemouth. Ended up with 8 keepers, 6 largemouth and 2 spots. My best 5 were right at 8 pounds, all on a 3/8 jig in the laydowns. Kinda slow on the numbers for me, probably should have fished more for the spots. Yeah, I drove through the hail storm right after leaving the lake, pretty good size hail, about the diameter of a quarter.
Good job guys! Thanks for the reports. Glad ya'll only got the small hail. One of the fellas here at work ran out and got some off the ground and measured it. It was 2 1/4" across! Glad I wasn't out in it.

Jason did any of the fish come from the lower end of the lake?
keep those reports coming, because I will need all the help I can get for CFF 6. I am changing out my trailer axel this coming weekend and will make the journy down the following week.
Where are the smallmouth at in this P'ville? I have personally seen at least 10 quality mounts in the homes of local folks around here that were harvested over the last 10 years from the lake. I have never even got a whiff of any on Parksville or seen anybody at the ramp with one in the well. Does anyone have the insight on the brown bass up here, I don't want to have to drive all the way over to Blue Ridge and buy Ga liscences again!
If you want to catch Brown Fish, there's no place like Home. Hey that sound's familiar. Just click your heels together and get on the River. The area just behind Chattanooga State yielded a 10 1/2 pounder a couple of years ago. emoCool
Well what would a feller have to do hook up with one of them big smallmouth out of the river? Live bait? Night time? Dynamite?

And who in the world caught one that big? What was they using and what time of year? Any info/pics still available online?
flip, we were in a cream and orange late model Venture. I looked for vehicles at the ramp with a CFF sticker and did not see any. What time did you leave?

fisherpal2k, we spent most of our time in a large cove on the lower end that has multiple bays/pockets coming off of it...guessing it was Indian Creek? The hail started out as dime sized, which was tolerable, but towards the end of the storm the hail increased to the size of walnuts. At that point, we headed for the bank and hid out in the woods until it passed.
Whats the boat traffic up there on Memorial Day? I was thinking about loadin' 'er up and heading that way since I got the day off.
I can't speak for Memorial Day, but the Saturday regulars are pretty heavy. Lots of drunk teens in souped up Master Craft ski boats.
I think it was abouit 3:30 or so. Got the boat on the trailer while it began raining, then the hail 10-15 minutes later.
Smallmouth on the TN river below Chick Dam.. I have a bunch of honey holes for the brownies below the dam.. one of the best spots on the river is right below the river park.. also down past ross's landing .. look for blue barge tie up left hand side going towards the gorge. its a scrap yard barg loading zone. Also Moccasin bend on both side of the river.. also any shoal you find holds good brownies and spots. My personal best down there in the last 12 months was 5lbs , Ive caught tons of 3-4 lbers, I fish with crank baits and carolina rigged lizards and tubes  most of the time. But Ive seen guys tearin em up on shiners, shad, and tuffies. I have no probs fishing bait .. just too hard to get my own (without buying them).. I wish I could find a good shallow creek to net some minners, like I used to when was a kid. Used to spend whole day gathering shiners, creek chubs, and crawdads for the next days fishig in WV.. the getting bait was as much fun as catching fish
This post is in response to olcowman several posts up the list. I mentioned the 10 1/2 lb smallmouth.

The story goes that a Vietnamese guy was fishing during flood conditions (All gates wide open) with a gob of nightcrawlers. I can't stand the idea of that fish being introduced to hot grease, but I bet that's what happened. Anyway, his picture with the fish was in the newspaper.
Just called Jacks Bait and Tackle, talked to the guy that weighed the fished. He said it was 4 or 5 years ago, maybe 6. He said the fella brought it to him to weigh, it was in a big plastic container with water in it. The fish was almost dead. The man mounted it himself, it was the first fish that he had ever mounted. He still comes to Jacks pretty often and has since mounted a few more. They didnt take any pictures at Jacks.

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