Boy, those Astro Tables are accurate! Saturday scored a 96 for the best day of the month and as far as numbers go, it was the most fun I've had to date on Parksville. Don't get me wrong, it's always "fun", but this lake requires a lot from you mentally if you want to get a consistent bite going. The first thing we noticed was that the water actually had some color to it. Visibility was two feet at the most which is definitely stained by Parksville standards! Before we hit our first spot, we spent a few minutes swapping our gear from Sissy over to He-Man
. We decided to try a new location and decided upon the large bay at the uppermost southeast corner of the lake...think it is Sylco or Slyco? The pleasure boat crowd was already in full force at 2pm when we got there, so we went all the way to the back where we found a shallow cove protected by a no-wake zone. With buzzbaits and swimming jigs, we caught so many "poundandahalfers" that we just stopped counting them. We were having such a blast that the time just zipped by and, before we knew it, it was time to head back to the ramp. On our way out of the bay, we stopped to make a few last casts along the laydowns at the mouth and boated our only quality largie of the day, a chunky four pounder. However, our big fish of the day went to a foul-hooked monster grass carp.