Parksville scouting trip 6-8-06

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Well-known member
May 5, 2006
My Grandson is not going to be able to make it friday to pre-fish, so I rousted Fat Albert to go with me this morning. We got to King's slough about 6:30 and fished until about 12:30. We boated 1 keeper spot and lost 2 others. We tried several different patterns throughout the day. The highlight of the day was spotting a bald eagle. Even though it appears we didn't do much good, I do now have a Plan! I'm really excited about Saturday.
WOW .... how cool is that!?!?!

Thanks MadBomber!!!

Not long ago someone posted a link to an eagle cam in Maine. I watch that thing at least 5 times or more a day. Saw the chicks grow up and can't believe I actually saw their feet turn yellow in a couple days. It's been amazing ...

I love eagles.

great pic as always madbomber. I wish I had the chance to learn the lake and fish with you guys this weekend but wedding plans are hampering my opportunities lately. i will not miss the Guntersville event though!
Madbomber, those P'ville spots are light biters and the constant wind is no help! I miss twice as many as I catch and have had a couple gut-hooked.
The Spots up there have the tendency to just load-up on a bait and sit there. I always think I've nosed my shakey-head up against a rock or something until I feel subtle pressure going the other way.

Nice pic MB. That lake is full of breath-taking photo ops. Looking forward to a big day up there on Sat!
Nice pic MadBomber! There is two eagles up there. One on the lower end and one on Sylco end. Both of which have nests up there.
RR you are right about the pic ops at Parksville. One of the guys I work with took pics of a bear up there Tuesday. Folks just be careful up that way this week and have fun. Wish I could go but work prevails. emoLaugh
Hey,MB the picture sure turned out nice.emoThumbsup We had a good time but I knew we were in trouble from the get-go. He knocked my coffee over in the truck, ate my apple pie, and got me up toooo early....The wind blowed most of the day and you could see your bait down to about 10 feet... not goodemoIdea however, it sure was great being on the water with my friend...
Obviously, you have never met Fat Albert. He can't judge distance at all. He thinks he's 6' 4" tall. emoLaugh
About that bald eagle, I didn't think that they lived in this part of Tennessee. I know that they live around Reel Foot Lake, up in that area and other places other than here! So whats up with that??emoScratch a

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