Paulj took me fishing today and served as guide. We launched in Hiwassee and fished upriver a little past Dayton, working our way back toward Hiwassee. I have been wanting to get up to that area for a while. Paulj is great company and a really good fisherman. We were having such a great time fishing and fellowshipping that it dawned on me about midmorning that I was in the process of getting "SKUNKED". I knew if that happened, I would never live it down, not as long as FA could draw a breath!! Frantically, I started looking around for some rip-rap. But to no avail! The fishing was kind of slow, but I was down 7 to zip. A revolting development. And... It was about time to call it a day.
Well, I had mentioned to Paul that I wanted to fish a bank in Hiwassee before we quit so we did. I managed to redeem myself and avoid the skunk even though the final tally was 10 to 2. However, I did get "Big Fish" of the day on a brown jig. Paul will now and forevermore be known by me as "The Fluke-inator". He wore me out with a Fluke. He taught an old dog a new trick today!! Just wait, I'm going to get him on the river rip-rap and spank him good!!
Well, I had mentioned to Paul that I wanted to fish a bank in Hiwassee before we quit so we did. I managed to redeem myself and avoid the skunk even though the final tally was 10 to 2. However, I did get "Big Fish" of the day on a brown jig. Paul will now and forevermore be known by me as "The Fluke-inator". He wore me out with a Fluke. He taught an old dog a new trick today!! Just wait, I'm going to get him on the river rip-rap and spank him good!!