Peace and tranquility

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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EricM - 5/26/2016 2:05 PM One letter and you had to edit it??? emoUpsmile


Lee wanted much more impact to his Peace and Tranquility post. He made that simple small case i into a dramatic Capital I. That edit blew the Tranquility part.</p>

I fished the Caney last year and I’m about to go again. My pastor loves the place and tries to take a group of us every year. They all fly rod it and I throw tiny crankbaits on my little spinning rod. Guess who catches more fish. I wouldn’t say it was great fishing, but I like eating trout more than catching them. Last year ended up eating some fish tacos. There were a crud-load of tubers and other fishermen. Multiple cars almost got caught in the river when they turned on the water and a dead fawn inexplicably ended up on the windshield of someone’s truck. It was interesting.