M GO BLUE - 1/11/2010 10:02 AM
Hot-Rod, is that tubing just LAYING in the cowl??? Is/was it connected on either end? You got a water pressure gage in your instrument cluster?
wrechin2 - 1/11/2010 9:04 PM
His is a EFI engine and has nothing like that. His bleeder system ia all attached to each other and goes to the VST. NONE of the bleeder hoses are that long on the EFI engine but would be on a carb engine.
wrechin2 - 1/11/2010 9:22 PM
I got a helper thanks. Maybe I should hold classes sometimes. What ya think??LOL!!! emoToast
wrechin2 - 1/11/2010 9:22 PM
I got a helper thanks. Maybe I should hold classes sometimes. What ya think??LOL!!! emoToast
wrechin2 - 1/11/2010 4:16 PM
The hose will go where I have drawn the red lines.