Plasma or LCD? which is better?

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Well-known member
May 6, 2006
Johnson City, TN.
I am shopping for a HDTV and have been doing some homework on what i need to look for. I know the whole 720p/1080i thing and I know I will have to get directv out and upgrade to a HDTV reviever and dish. but I just don't know which is better Plasma or LCD? what do you all like more and why?
Unless you are watching HD you won't like either. I know you said you were upgrading your service but most channels are still not HD. Standard def looks like shiznit on a flat panel no matter which kind you choose. I have had three lcd tv's and I believe I would try plasma if I bought another.
I've got both ... I believe the plasma has a better picture... but, like someone mentioned... there is more glare with the plasma than the LCD. My LCD is in a room with sliding glass doors and does well with any reflections. The plasma is in the bedroom and doesn't have as much light... it works well too, but if a light is turned on you can really see the glare on the screen. BS is right.... they both do well with HD broadcasts with exceptional clarity, but you have to get used to the picture on other stations... it seems a little grainer than a nice tube and with the 4.3 screen size, you'll loose picture size unless you set it to full screen, then it can get a little grainy and distort things some.

I have two DLP units and really like both of them. They are a good bit cheaper unless you are wantin to hang one on the wall that would be the way I went. Plus they last a lot longer and are cheaper to work on.
I just bought a 58" Samsung plasma and really like it. It is in a large room that I can black out like a theater. A couple of months ago, I bought a 32" LG LCD for our bedroom and like it too. Bottom line is that you will just need to go to the stores and see which picture works best for your particular application. Go more than once before making a decision. Most if not all of the screens are set to "demo" mode in the stores. Ask to see them in normal mode to.

Plasmas will use more energy than an LCD - given same size screens are compared.
I think I am now considering the DLP more then LCD or plasma. what i am finding out is that they all have their good points and all have bad points.. LCD is good in bright rooms and works well with gaming, but is not for sports or fast motion plus they don't come in the larger sizes.. Plasma works well in dark rooms and is very good for sports or fast motion. but they can be costly to repair and have a nasty glare problem. Dlp is cheaper then both, can be used in any room and has no glare. plus it works good on sports and fast motion, but it's not as good a picture as the other two. and the blubs on some models burn out quick. So what is a man to do? I am going to best buy tomorrow and look closer at all three. I bet that i will be there for a couple hours... LOL
I used to sell TVs for Sams club, and while I will be the first to admit that does not make me an expert on TVs I can give you this advice: Check the TVs out at Best Buy or Circuit City or HH Greg and have the salesmen there help you and figure out what you want, then go to Sams to make the purchase. Even if you have to buy a membership at 40 bucks you will still save money, Sams electronics prices are just about the cheapest you can find.

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