Polo and crappie fishing - 101506

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2006
What a difference a day makes. I picked Polo up at his dock around 10:30 this morning and we fished until almost 3:00. We caught 61 crappie most of which were keepers. Wow, what a day. A few bluegill just to make things interesting and lost a couple of bass and 1 channel catfish. We caught several fish out in the river this afternoon.

We played with Polo's underwater camera at one dock and found the crappie suspended about 9-10 feet deep over 20 feet of water. The fish wanted to play. We released all fish today. Bass assassins in salt/pepper color with the little tail dipped in lime spike-it and fished on 1/32 oz bleeding hook jigs did the trick today.

Polo forgot to bring his rain pants and he got soaked and chilled, so I thought that I had better bring him home to get dry and warmed up. We can't have him missing the meeting tomorrow night.emoBigsmile emoGeezer


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Isn't it great when a plan comes together. emoThumbsup Drumking... do you keep shootin' the docks throughout the fall, or do your crappie ever get back into a spring-like pattern?
Way to go guys!!!!!emoWorthy Makes me want to go back and do it some more.emoCool Jmax
DrumKing, Comes by his house and picks him up loads the boat with nice fish..... My, what a friend and guide. plus he lets polo catch all the fish.....???? Ain't that a guides job??? Just Kidding of course, glad you all had a great time... Hope you did not let him get sick. Looking forward to the meeting tomorrow night.....
Thanks again DK. I had a great time and fell asleep in the bathtub for a while to warm up after a chill that just wouldn't go away for quite some time. The chill was well worth it however and we could have continued to slay them for a while longer but I think DK kept looking at me shiver and thought that I wasn't having a good time but nothing was farther than the truth. Docks with wooden supports in 20 feet of water with good flow was the ticket today. One dock that we fished had a school of some type of baitfish that was there swarming under our boat and at the dock pilings the whole time that we were there. I know that DK caught more fish but I caught more good crappies during that trip than I ever had in a day. No huge fish but only about one of six or so was not a keeper. The vast majority were good keepers. Shooting the docks is something that grows on you and DK said that I picked it up faster than Rsimms so I guess that was good. Great fellowship, God really blessed us today! I still have a chill thinking about it, BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
polo-dog - 10/16/2006 5:13 PM
Shooting the docks is something that grows on you and DK said that I picked it up faster than Rsimms so I guess that was good.
Oh man... DK sold me out after I made him famous. emoEek
rsimms - 10/16/2006 5:27 PM

polo-dog - 10/16/2006 5:13 PM
Shooting the docks is something that grows on you and DK said that I picked it up faster than Rsimms so I guess that was good.
Oh man... DK sold me out after I made him famous. emoEek

Actually what I said was after about 2 hours, Polo finally made a cast that went back over his head and nearly landed behind the boat. I just commented that Rsimms did that on his first cast. emoUpsmile emoUpsmile Surely I wouldn't sell out my hero, especially after he made me famousemoQuestion emoQuestion emoScratch

Richard, when the water temp gets much colder, I find the fish moving to bluffs and creek channels. As soon as the fish leave the docks, so will I.emoGeezer
61! Wow, bet you guys had a blast!! I really need to get on some crappie soon. Hopefully a PM will get a good response
Bprice, do you have Cajun in you? I haven't heard that word since I went fishing down in Louisiana. You have been around haven't you?

I spent 45 days working in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina last year, and learned alot from some local folks. The smell is still in my nostrils

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