Polo called me about 10 this morning and asked if I would like to go out for a couple of hours and fish for some crappie. He didn't have to ask me twice since I have been boatless the last three days.
Was at his house at eleven and we fished only in the wolf since the weather was so bad. Caught crappie off docks in several locations but not a lot at any one. Ended up with about 20 to 25 but only four slabs. Polo had a couple that were close but he did not measure them, he only wanted the slabs for a friend at work that asked him to get her a mess. We did catch four bass also and three were keepers. Polo got me on the crappie but I had him 3 to 1 on the bass and I had two keeper spots and one keeper LM. He got one LM short. Mine were on a spook and his on a chug. One of the spots were on a crappie jig. Good numbers for such a short trip. We left at 2:30 when the sky fell.