Pond Bass 8/21/06

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2006
Parksville lake of course
I'm late on the report, but anyway I went bass fishing in my Grandmother's neighborhood pond yesterday, and I used those horny toads in all that grass, only caught one-emoScratch. I had about 13 hits, most of them got the bait, I gave it some good time before I yanked, just couldn't hook them.emoScratch Does anyone have an idea of what I might be doing wrong?
The hardest thing that I had to learn when fishing topwataer lures was to wait. The way to get a good hookset with a topwater lure is to wait until you feel the weight of the fish befor you set the hook. Just keep bringing the bait in until you feel the weight of the fish. Sometimes the fish will miss two or three times before it gets the lure in it's mouth, either that or the other fish that were following the bait along finally gets the bait. One trick that you can use is to not watch the bait as you bring it in. That way you don't set the hook by what you see, only by what you feel. This works to a certain degree but you also have to learn to ignore the "pop" that you hear when you get a bite too. Once you have learned to wait without watching the lure, then you can start watching and it's just that much more exciting and you know that you will hook a larger number of fish because you waited.
Another tip, or trick, is to add a trailer hook to the toad. Take a large treble hook and clip off the hook that is facing up. Take the remaining two and barely skin hook them into the legs.
I had a lot of trouble hooking up with the Horny Toad until I bought some Zoom Horny Toad Hooks. I don't miss them at all anymore.
Well I went again this evening and caught 6 bass, two keepers.(Probably keepers) I caught 3 on the toad, and 3 on the 3/16 ounce spot stickers w/brownishgreenish finesse worms. I tried the tip ya'll gave me, using trailer hooks, I had 3hits and caught 3 bass on the toad. So I didn't miss any! It was a great tip!! Well that's my report for today.