TennesseeTalker - 5/18/2006 10:27 PM How in the heck do you find them and get permission to fish em??? I would like to try them too!!! TT
I fish ponds every chance I get .. I love em .. easist way I know is to ask .. the biggest prob is finding out who to ask .. Ive been by several ponds up on sand mtn that was dying to fish.</p>
I finnaly stopped and went to the house closest too the biggest pond.. they did'nt own it but they gave me the name and number of the ol farmer that did. I called the guy .. he was a little hesitant to let me fish it .. he was affraid Id make a mess or sue him if I fell and got hurt.
I told him that I worked for Dell was by here all the time .. gave him my card.. and promised that I would pick up any garbage I found.. and offered him help choppin wood, hoeing weeds, what ever he needed in exchange for fishing his pond when I come by this way for hr or two. We chewed that fat .. turns out he was an old rail roader .. just like my grandfather was .. when I told him my grandfather worked on caboose at b&o thats all it took .. any rail roaders grandson is ok with me he said .. funny .
I still stop by there and check on him even when Im not going to fish .. last month I stopped by he was sick.. he was grumblin bout not being able to tend to his animals.. so I said my good byes after few more minutes.. and went out to the farm to see what I could do .. feed chickens , cleaned out the stalls in the barn etc .. the next week .. 5 farmers called me and said I was welcome to fish thier ponds anytime .. the ol man was greatful I guess.. I never told him that I was going to do all that just did it.</p>
Anyway what that long post was about was .. ask first , leave it cleaner than ya find it, ask if they want you to bring them some fish .. just make sure you clean them for them.. I always say I practice catch and release.. unless they want some to eat. And offering to chop some wood or anything is always a good idea even if they say no you can't fish it .. most likely they will say yes after you help with the chores.. farm life is tuff .. help is always appreciated. Even if you never get to fish the pond you may just make a life long friend in that pond owner. Also look on the no trespassing signs for the name and number of the owner.</p>
This is dedicated to an old friend and pond owner I met when I was 15.. Buck was his name .. he was a substitue grandfather. He took me all over the country fishing .. never let me pay for anything .. he died not long ago .. I'll miss you Buck.. friends like this we should all have.
Hope to See you up there some day ol friend.</p>