Prayers for Johnny DJ's Marinelectronics

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2005
Guys I just got word that our good buddy and Great Friend Johnny Stancell has had a stroke and on his way to the hospital now. Please keep him and his family in your prayers. Many of you know him by djsmarinelectronics and have dealt with him by buying electronics and other items. He was sick last night with a very high fever and the doctors thought it was a stomach bug but his fever was 104. He went home feeling better but the fever came back this morning and now this. I am heading to the hospital as soon as I get done with work and will update later.
That's horrible. I know Johnny and Darlene well, they are great people. Praying for ya Johnny.
Good grief! Prayers sent up, tell him we are all pulling and praying for him Tndoe. :eek: Jmax
Update, he is at Erlanger, they are running tests to see exactly what is going on. Early reports were he had a stroke because of the symptoms, they are running tests and scans now. He is awake and Darlene is by his side along with the kids. As I hear updates, I will keep you all posted . I have known Johnny and Darlene for a while now as we go to church together and eat breakfast after church each Sunday morning. They are great friends and like a brother and sister in Christ. I am praying for both as we speak. Thank you all for the prayers !!
I don;t personally know Him, but he has a good name. He sent me a pm the other day wanting to donate to our Sportsmans Fish Fry. I will pray for Him and put Him on the prayer list at Church. Thanks Kathy for the report.
Just talked to Darlene yesterday. She thought he had the flu. I am so sorry to hear this and we will be praying for you Johnny. Darlene I know my trolling motor came in, but that is not important to me at this time. Let's just get Johnny well. Will get trolling motor some other time.
I just talked with Darlene and he is being admitted and they are continuing to run more tests. They're still saying he has all the symptoms of a stroke just unsure what caused it and haven't confirmed it.. He is resting and showing some improvement praise, God. Darlene said thank you to all and I know Johnny certainly appreciates all the prayers.
He is our Wonderful, Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God, Emmanuel!!!
A friend of mine's brother had a similar experience recently. Spent a long time in the hospital, but he's okay now. Was in UT Hosp. in Knoxville. Maybe you could pass that along to his Drs./ Nurses. It's weird stuff and maybe they could help each other. I've bought some things from Johnny and sought his advice other times. He is always quick to help. My prayers for his recovery, and for his family.
My most sincere prayers for my buddy and his family,this is one nice person.God listens to those prayers we send, we have witnessed this with Jerry the last several days.
Please continue these prayers for the ones we care for and there familes.