Prayers needed

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2007
South Pittsburg
Got home from work this mourning and heard some terrible news. A young man from South Pittsburg drown yesterday evening at Mud Creek while fishing. Please say a prayer for the Kilgore family.
His Dad and Mother were in one boat and the son in his. They were keeping in touch by there cell phones. They hadn't heard from him in a while then went to check on him up in Dobbins and they found him. Don't know all the details but a few people seem to think he had a ceasure and fell out of the Boat. They are a very good hard working family who love to fish. The son and the Dad both fished the BFL. HE WAS 21 YEARS OLD.
He had caught a 9lbs 6 oz bass earlier in the day and continued fishing. From what I was told he had a seizure and fell over board. Keep the Kilgore family in you prayers this was a terrible accident.
Horrible thing to hear. My prayers sent to the family and friends. This is a reminder for us all. Keep on your life jacket! As I have proven two times in the past year, you NEVER know when you can go in. Keep on the vests... Sad to hear a young life was lost.
my daughter called me last night and told me the bad news,she went to school with,i talked to his cousin today and he said he was wearing a life vest and had a seizure and fell overboard.prayers sent for the family.

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