Prayers needed

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2012
Yall please pray for my nephew, Ricky Sims. He was on a motorcycle ride for toys for tots yesterday. The ride was over and he and a couple of his buddies were coming from Dayton through Birchwood on Hwy 60. They were just about to enter the 30 mph speed zone when he veered into the other lane in a curve and hit a car head on. He had surgery last night to put his hips back together and amputated one of his feet. He had a stint put in this morning to repair his damaged aorta. Which went very well. The doctor told us this morning that the life threatening parts are pretty much taken care of but there are several things still to work on. He has a long hard road ahead of him. Please pray for him, his wife, 2 year old son, and parents. Thanks so much in advance for your prayers. Bobby
Your nephew will be in our prayers , My brother had motorcycle accident a couple of months ago, he had a broken shoulder and many broken ribs.
Lots of road rash but luckily no interal will be a long road to recovery. Having someone in tough on the whole family.
Our thoughts and prayers are with him and the family.
Thank you all for all your prayers. Ricky is doing very well as of right now. More surgery planned for tomorrow morning to repair valves in his pelvic area. God is still working miracles! If you don't believe it just take a look at Ricky from last night till now.
sorry for your son`s accident. I thought I would offer a word of encouragment for down the road. My 20 year old nephew hit the end of a guardrail went thru the radiator support,firewall and back of the cab to the tailgate. It took his foot off above the ankle. After surgery and a few weeks on crutches he was fitted with prosthetic below the knee. this was about thanksgiving. Against the doctors orders he went snowboarding in February. If he has long pants on ,you cant tell anything is wrong with his leg. Pretty much does anything a early 20`s guy would do. Plays basketball, hikes, hasn`t slowed him down a bit.
There is hope for your son down the road a ways. Just hang in there.
Thanks Snuffy. My nephew has alot of broken bones including both femers, bone in right shoulder, and both sides of pelvis. He went through a 12 hour surgery yesterday to repair the right side of his pelvis. After talking to one of his doctors the other day and going over his plans for surgeries and asking him alot of questions I gathered that when all is said and done the only thing that will be different will be his right leg gone just below the knee. WOW! We went in to see him Sunday night and he was wide awake. He still has the breathing tube in his throat but he seemed to be trying to ask me some questions. I'm pretty sure he was trying to ask me about his leg but I wasn't positive so I didn't say anything about it. I didn't want to stress him out before his long surgery Monday. The thing you said about the prosthetic leg is exactly what I want to explain to him but I want him to be able to talk back to me so i've been putting it off. The Lord has blessed Ricky so much. Please continue to pray for him. Oh and his wife just found out Sunday that she is 6 weeks pregnant with their second child. Thank you all so much for your prayers. Bobby
Sounds like a lot to deal with in the future. He may be dealing with the other injuries longer than the lost foot. Once he gets used to the idea of the new leg he`ll probably adjust pretty fast/. Good Luck ! A new young `un will help him get motivated for recovery.

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