prob with my 92 150 johnson

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2009
murray ga
I was running pretty good a couple weeks ago for several minutes and all of the sudden my siren went of and as soon as it went off it started missing..Came off plane swapped tanks and checked my bulb and it wasnt tight..pumped it up and tried to take off ,same thing no siren but still cutting out.. went home and replaced my fuel line and bulb from motor to tan selector valve... took it back out last weekend came out of the hole and it ran good so I opened it on up ,,all good untill about the same spot on the lake ,then again siren and cutting we went ahead and fished for a couple hours, got ready to move and it started came out of hole good only difference this time was I never really opened it up just kept it around 3000 to 3500 rpms and it ran fine for several more moves and a fgood lon haul all the way back to ramp with no more issues. Seems like the problem shows up when I run it pretty hard for several minutes.......Any thought would be much appreciated ....
I dont know much about boat engines, but on my buddys salt water boat this would happen and he always said it meant over heating. If its over heating I would assume it has something to do with water pump. I hope I dont sound as dumb as I am when it comes to this. Haha.
Thats a start... ill change the water pump...that was a thought but there was a good stream of water coming out and that was about all it was , was a thought....ill try that...Thanks
I would give wrechin2 on here a call. I talked to him before I bought my boat and he gave me some great advice. So hes willing to help out. And whenever I get a chance I plan on taking my 89 johnson 150 to him to get serviced and modified.
Yes call wreching. If is has a OIL injection system. DO NOT RUN sounds like getting no OIL. I burned a Yamaha up.......doing the same thing as yours.
THat engine the oil delivery system is pretty much bullet proof, totally different than the Yami. Are you getting good water pressure?
Seems like at idle it 5 or 6 psi. Dont quote me on that i would have to take it back iut to know for sure. I do know there is a good hard stream coming out of the motor. And on wrenchin i hope he chimes im i know he is a very busy man and will call him if he doesnt in a day or two.
yes you are getting a overheating alarm ,when it goes off it puts your motor in limp mode until it cools off. change your water pump impellor , might want to replace the thermostats just in case one is sticking closed. after you do that if you still get the alarm ,one of the heat sensors in each head may be bad. I leaning more toward a weak waterpump.
How much of a job is changing the thermostats?water Pump no prob but would know where to start on the thermostats
I have the same engine. Last year hade mine go into a limp mode like yours that allowed it to barely get on plane. Turned out to be a heat sensor gone bad on one of the cylinders.
Yep the mode is called the SLOW program and shuts off a bank of cylinders. Id say get a shop manual to trouble shoot it if you are wanting to save money. I've done both ways to fix stuff and the process of trial and error with the manual is usually faster and always cheaper than just throwing on parts.
your thermostats are real easy to change, on the top of each head there is a plastic screw in plug, screw them out and thermostats are behind those. also on each head is a heat sensor that has a tan wire going to them unplug one at a time turn switch on and ground the wire to a bolt on the engine, do each one separately the buzzer will sound if they are working properly.

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