First, why are you replacing the gears? Not knowing anything else about this repair, if the gears need replacement, there's a lot more that'll need attention in there. </p>
To answer your question, there's a tab washer and a bolt that holds the prop shaft bearing carrier in the housing. Remove that bolt, and the carrier and propshaftwill slide right out...</p>
... but that's considering this is a new motor, not a 19 year old one. Chances are there is some corrosion that will have locked the bearing carrier into the housing, unless it's been apart recently. It'll require some heat on the housing, a good puller, and a handful of luck to get it apart in servicable condition. Parts diagram below shows the retainer washer/bolt.</p>
I would offer you a suggestion, replace the whole thing. For enar the price of the gear set and additional needed bearings, seals, etc, you can buy an aftermarket unit with a warranty.
www.sterndrive.cchas complete, brand new lower units for that motor, $845. </p>