Property Assessments

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Fishin Fool

Well-known member
Jan 2, 2006
Alright I am just curious about this one. My property assessment went up by a huge amount this time around. I haven't built any new structures or made improvements, other than to the yard. I know that VW (supposedly) is coming to town, but how can property values increase this much when market values have dropped as much as they have? People in real estate tell me that it is almost impossible to sell a house right now. Did anyone else get hit with these new assessments (which will mean a large tax increase), or is it just me?
SpurHunter - 1/20/2009 12:40 PM

I was wondering the same thing!! Who do we call???

Well it says to call 209-7365 and set up a time to meet. However, the time to call is from today, until the 30th! Not a lot of time for the property owners of Hamilton County to lodge a protest. I only got the notice yesterday. I have tried to call all morning and get a really fast busy signal or no answer at all. They do list an online appeal form at www.HamiltonTn.Gov
It is worth your time to protest. Last year we had a big re-assessment here in Pike Co, GA and so many people appealed they threw all of them out and went back to the value of the year before. If everyone calls asking for an appeal they will have to do something.

I appealed my boat assessment last year, too, and got it reduced. They had included the value of the trailer and were not susposed to.
Go ahead and get ready to protest, numbers are the only thing they will listen to.More people you have the more they listen.This happened in Franklin County TN. last year. By the way we got a Nissan plant about 10 years ago and it hasnt been the same since.
Someone has to pay for all the improvements on the property where VW is going to build, guess who is gonna pay? Look in the mirrow.
Mine stayed mostly the same this year, on three of my properties. Several years ago though, I think they went up a good bit.
It's very easy to get your property reassessed. Usually you just have to call and protest and they will change it back to what it was. One thing to note though is that your taxes won't go up a ton but if you do plan on selling it's nice to have a higher assessment.
SpurHunter - 1/20/2009 9:40 AM

I was wondering the same thing!! Who do we call???

You can do it online here:

I put in an assessment review request online on Saturday and heard back on Tuesday via email. They said I will have their answer by June 1, which is fine since taxes will not be due until next Feb. If I do not agree with their assessment then I will appeal to the State Board of Equalization and then Chancery Court if necessary. I bought my home in Aug. 2006 and the assessor's office tagged a 21% increase in value over a little more than 2 years - I have not made any improvements that warrant an assessment increase and all of us know property has not appreciated over 10% annually over the last two years.

Don't miss your chance to protect the money in your pocket! Appeal today if you think your new assessment is too high!
On the appeals site it asks for the owner's opinion of value and evidence to support the opinion. Can anyone tell me how to determine this? I'm a first time homeowner here. I don't have a clue how to figure this out.
I had my house reappraised last year. It will be interesting to see what mine goes up to.</p>

<font face="comic sans ms,sand" color="#cc0000" size="6"><u>Everyone, file an on-line protest!!!</u></font></p>


emoHoppingmad </p>
popper 690 - 1/21/2009 9:22 PM

On the appeals site it asks for the owner's opinion of value and evidence to support the opinion. Can anyone tell me how to determine this? I'm a first time homeowner here. I don't have a clue how to figure this out.

Popper I would think that just giving your opinion, based on your old assessment, and mentioning that the housing market is in the tank and has been for some while now would be enough to hopefully make them review it. It probably wouldn't hurt to mention how many houses close to you are vacant right now, with no buyers.
popper 690 - 1/21/2009 6:22 PM

On the appeals site it asks for the owner's opinion of value and evidence to support the opinion. Can anyone tell me how to determine this? I'm a first time homeowner here. I don't have a clue how to figure this out.

I contacted the realtor who sold me the home and he gave me information on homes sold for the past couple of years in the area. Figure the price per square foot of those and apply that to your home - add or subtract on the price per square foot based on your assessment of the condition/amenities of your home in comparison to those sold in your area.

You could also get a professional appraisal, although at this first stage of an appeal I personally do not think it is necessary. The important thing at this point is to start the appeal process within the given timeline, we can fine tune our cases later. If your appeal is turned down, I would get a professional appraisal for the next level of appeal. In addition, if you bought the home in the past couple of years, that should "mark" what the fair market value was at the time. I hope this helps.
The last appraisal for tax assessments in the county was in 2005. So even though the market is not doing so great at the moment there has been some appreciation in most homes. It is not nearly what it has been in years passed however the values do increase. Mine increased only by about $13,000 according to the assessor but from 2001-2005 they said that it increased by more than $25,000.
You should be able to easily protest it with the lowering values.... but their argument will be that tax revenues have gone down in other taxed segments of the counties coffers. When incomes/sales are down, so are tax revenues... they still have the bills to pay and have to get it somewhere. It's a vicious cycle, but it's one that DOES pay for what we all benefit from, and yes a lot of things that only some benefit from. VW benefits everyone in the area. That's how they justify making the concessions to woo them and get them to Chatt.... my .02 When it happened to me in MN, they came out, looked at my property and changed it back to what it was last year. It was pretty easy. Keep us informed FF. Let us know how it turns out.

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