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May 26, 2008
We have 750 ac in middle tn we had a guy hunting his side of the fence last year but was caught facing our side while he was in his stand and he was ask not to face ou side. (this was last year). Now we went last weekend and found a ladder stand there this year on the same tree facing our side. I can't prove it but i know he is hunting our side because why else would you put a ladder stand up facing someone elses property. and not only that he put a stand there he also cut down two big cedar trees on he side so he could get a better view of our side. What would any of you guys recommend that we do about this.
Put a stand up on your prperty right in front of his ladder stand. You may limit what you can do but he will eventually move.
take some cotton balls an spray them with cheap perfume.Then toss them around his stand where they cant be seen. he can hunt it but wont see anything. Deer wont come now where around it
the cotton balls would be a great idea but we have a food plot less than 150 yards of where he put the stand. the 750 ac is all private property and the land onwer does not want anyone on it except the few he has given the ok to hunt. we have four people that hunt this land and we manage it by not shooting any bucks that are not atleast 8 pt. this guy last year was shooting everything or shooting at everything that came his way. i think i might go set in a bush pile on the side of a hill that over looks this guys ladder stand and take my camera and see if i can catch him shooting to our side. then i will let the property onwer take care of it from there.
That would work...especially if he downs one on your side of the fence. Then again.....I'd use a portable stand and put it up right it from of him and just SMILE!!!!!!!!! emoHoppingmad
Besides..if he shoots at "everything". He may fire into the brushpile! Be careful.
yea your right i would hate to get shot over a deer. i could care less if the guy shot one. the land onwer does not charge us anything to hunt but he wants us to keep poeple off of his property the best we can.
Put a stand up in the area he is watching. If he has hunted there for at least two years then obviously it is worth hunting. Bag you a Ten Pntr while he is watching. If you do not hunt as often as this guy does, buy a roll of bright BLUE plastic marker tape and hang it in every tree on your side. Let it hang down about two feet so the wind will make it move. Blue moving like that is the only color that scares the scrap out of deer. I assure you, they will avoid the area.
Bad choice for a food plot location. emoScratch If he is on his property he can face any way he wants. The only violation he is doing would be if he shot across you property at a deer. He can hunt his side all day long on his side. Looking over at your side is not against the law. All he would have to say is he is waiting for one to cross the property line. I would not redue that food plot next year. He is probably trying to catch deer coming from his side to your food plot. In short he is cutting you off. As long as he stays on his side he is not doing anything legally wrong. Put up "NO Traspassing" signs along the property line and then if it is worth it to you try and catch him in the act. emoRolleyes Jmax
As Jmax said, as long as he doesn't shoot across the property line he is legal. If he does shoot across the property line he is violating several game laws.

A similar problem was discussed on The best idea from that thread was to construct a wall out of cheap blue tarps suspended between really tall 4X4's. Build it right in front of his stand on your side of the fence. Tall enough to block the view from his stand on to your property. If trees are on your side of the property line they can be used to support the tarp wall instead of 4x4's.
I have it! ... Get that 400 lbs of corn from the other thread here on CFF and spread it out on your side of your fence, then Call the Game Warden. I bet he will not hunt there for long. Tie a 4' length of 4" PVC plastic pipe to a tree and fill it with corn. Makes a great game feeder. Be sure to locate it in plain sight for him.
if it just one hunter ,I would try talking to him and making friends with him , because you never know you could lose the lease your on to some one else since your not paying and have no actual lease just permission to hunt the land . he might let you hunt on his land sounds like he must have deer on his land because you must be looking on his side of the fence or you would not have seen him or put the food plot so close to his property, 750 acres why put a food plot that close to someone else unless your trying to draw the deer over from their land ,he may be watching to make sure that your not crossing the line
I agree with reelworld42 750 ac is alot of land,you all need to get along,too many people nowadays don't even try to get along
Print off the game laws concerning shoting across property lines and put it on his stand. Of course this would mean you would have to trespass on his property to do it. Hmm Maybe just try and talk to him.
you don't want to make him too mad , what if you shoot a big buck and it runs over on his property, do you think he will let you come over and get it if you have hung up a big blue tarp or any other of the things the people on here have suggested you do I don't think so