
Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Wet Willie

Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Ringgold, Ga
I propose that the committee consider a ramp change for the May 16th tx currently scheduled out of Grasshopper. My reasoning is the distance to the ramp, the potential congestion ,as it is a relatively small ramp, and the $5.00 per boat ramp fee. I was a proponent in the beginning, but I have changed my mind for the reasons stated. I certainly don't want to create an issue for the committee, but I think it warrants conversation. What do you guys think? Al
Chester Frost maybe? I'm game to move it. I'd like to see one come out of Holly Circle in Soddy to be honest with you. Its a small bit of a drive but still puts us more up river.
Throw the proposal on the forum for a vote. Let them know the concerns about the small parking area and the $5 charge and give folks an option.... if they've fished any tourneys, let them enter a vote. emoScratch

Just an idea.

Randy WILSON emoGoofy emoTongue
I would rather see it out of somewhere else given the numbers we have been seeing so far. I realize these numbers will likely drop once most of the free passes are used up. But I would rather see it out of HBSP again unless there is another one out of there that day. But to me it is a good spot to drop in, good docks, good parking, etc. CFP or even the Dam is fine with me. But to argue one point, if we are blasting out of the Dam in one Tx, then I can see where some would want to blast out of the complete opposite end for another just for diversity
I'll be in Jekyll Island, so I don't have a vote. If I did, I'd say leave it at GH. $35 isn't a lot to ask, and it will open up another end of the lake to those who aren't accustomed to fishing it. Imagine what it will be like for Jmax to actually have to burn gas to get on his fish?
I think there are some other TXs on the Chick that day FYI, so other ramps may be congested as well.

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