ok im back ! a month or so ago i asked folks on the forum what a 98 hydrosport 19 1/2 ft boat should run with a 200 evinrude pushing it at 6000 rpms i got answers that ran from 66 to 72 mph ,ok i was using a 4 prop renegade with 25 pitch and could only get 61 out of it with only me in the boat and 56 to 58 out of it with a partner along for the ride ,so this weekend i borrowed two props from the gent that has the prop shop in sale creek and tried them out. one was a 3 bladed prop with 24 pitch,i gained 200 rpm with more pedal left and lost 3 mph from 56 to 58 down to 54,so i put the other prop on which was a 3 blade with 26 pitch and it only got up to 5800 rpm and i gained up to 10 mph faster which now its running from 65 to 67 mph with less rpms, i know theres faster boats out there by along shot but to me 67 is skinng the ears back lol.now instead of enjoying a good smooth ride i now have to actually drive the boat since it wants to get up and walk,but im thinking i will raise the motor and get the back down enough to be able to relax as im on my way to the fishing hole. thanks again for all the imput it helped alot on my decision. im a happy camper. emoDance emoToast