Pulling a Richard Simms

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Buy in Bulk!

I used to buy fishing equipment "as I went." A 10-pack of crappie hooks here, a little bag of sinkers there, one crankbait here, or a pack of worms there.

I'm still bad to do that some ... but since I've started guiding, I've started buying many items in bulk. Minimum 100 packs of hooks, sinkers by the pound, 1200 yard spools of line versus 250's. For instance, a quick glance at Bass Pro web site shows 330-yard spool of 6 lb. Trilene for $5.79. The 1,000-yard spool is $13.99. That means small spool is 1.75 cents per yard... on the 1,000-yard spool it is 1.39 cents per yard.

I know for a fact it's saved me money. It is important obviously to care for it and keep up with it. I store big spools of line in cool dark corners far away from sunlight. Keep big packs of hooks separate and just take out what you need when you go. That way, if it rains, you don't get the entire 100 pack wet (potential rust).

When you start figuring out the "per piece" price on certain items in small quantities versus large quantities, you soon realize that start buying certain items in bulk is the way to go.
shsimons - 7/21/2008 5:27 PM

When I first saw this thread, I thought you dove in after a catfish.

HAHA I thought the same thing Sam!!!!!! emoUpsmile On a serious note...I have found that my boat gets better milage when I run it wide open throttle especially if I am taveling a mile or more. Its an old two stroke and I guess thats how they were designed to run.
foodsaver - 7/21/2008 5:04 PM

richard where do you get your sinkers by the pound?

Actually I get them from minner. I think I bought 50 pounds of 3 oz. sinkers (equals app. 266 sinkers) from him last year. I can't remember his exact price, but even with the shipping factored in, I know it was a MASSIVE savings over any retail outlet anywhere. I'm still living off that 50 pound box... but I'm almost due for a reorder.