Actually unless I am mistaken, at least on my setup which is a 24v, the way the 24v gets to the troll motor is through the special plug. This is no place where my 2 batteries connect together its the plug setup that marries the 2 batteries for the troll motor. I have one of my depth finders wired to one of the troll motor batteries and I am going to move it back to the starting battery. The reason is when the troll motor batteries get low the depth finder connected to them will show a spike on the screen when I depress the power button on the foot control.. This is frustrating and if the battery power is low enough it will cause the sonar unit to shut off when I hit the power button on the foot control, especially if I have the variable knob for power up around 80% or higher.. I dont like the idea of the power fluctuating like that all the time to the unit so I am switching it back to the main battery. The only reason I put it on the troll batteries was because my voltage regulators on the engine we shot and I was having to recharge my starting battery about every 10 days and didnt want anything extra on it, not that I have replaced both regulators I will move the sonar unit back to it.