Question for Committee

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If you go with numbers...better have a bullhorn and yell in it. We couldnt hear last year.
My thoughts are if you can get all the boats out to the MAIN channel...horn blast them off.
1 at time is safer though. i wouldnt turn them all loose inside the creek.
One what we did in last years FOG event..LOL! 1-5 go 6-10 go 11-15 go etc....Your call on that Jerry,
1st Blast 1-8
2nd Blast 9-16
and so on....

Make the blast LONG though and be very sure those boats know what number they are!
I've done this method twice and it seems to work. If you have questions on how it works me. If your drawing numbers at signup, you'll have gaps in the sheet for blast off.
From the main river channel, either way works but staggered flights are safer.


On a side note, would ya'll consider allowing sign-ups Friday in Chattanooga if it could be coordinated? This would minimize the effort at the ramp.</p>


Also, Jerry, would you like for me to email you, or someone, the sign-up sheet from last year or have already got that covered?
Sign Up Locations...
Would make things alot easier! Im willing to get people in Soddy. Just about everyone knows where to find me..LOL.
I like the Fog event style from the main river channel. if we want to do early sign ups I can take them from Dalton tomarrow if needed. I know that I can not get to chatt at all tomarrow to sign up.
Well, I wont be available until late. Rogie and I are hittin Chick tomorow. ;)
BUT, for future signups..I'd be happy to handle the Soddy end.