Question for gunslingers/hunters

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
Do any local TN laws override the constitution's amendment to the right to bear arms? Violence is getting terrible around Chattanooga and I want to know the rules and regulations to carrying a hand gun for defensive purposes. A link would be nice, one that states the required permits/qualifications and prices to CC, thanks fellas. emoTongue
You need a carry permit to be legal with a loaded gun on your person. I got mine at carters shooting supply off of hwy 58. The cost is $75 that you pay to carters for the class you take which consists of a written test,"which is easy", then a shooting test of 50 rounds into a target. After you get the tests and such done there, you get a certificate that you have to take to the department of motor vehicles building. There you have to pay $100 and something dollars to get your permit. When your done there, you have to go down to the ups store on gunbarrel road, and get your fingerprints scanned, which is free. After the 3 different steps you take to get this done, you will recieve your license via mail and you become legal. Usually takes about 1 to 2 months for everything.
Does a previous conviction of a misdemeanor make you in-eligible to qualify for a CC permit?
in GA a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence is the only misdemeanor that will damper you from getting a permit.
A misdemeanor crime doesn't stop you from getting a hand gun carry permit unless it is a Tennessee Domestic Violence Act arrest.
Felonies are the big no-no. other than that its just paperwork, however some business like hamilton place mall can still dictate that you cant carry even with a permit. There easy to get, but u still have to watch the fine print on alot of stores emoPolice