We need the rain, resivoirs below us are needing to be filled. I agree, we have had enough for NOW, however it does get stored thruout the system, all resivoirs should be full now. This should help as all bodies have been reoxigenated and silt has been relocated. emoFish love the water.... emoGeezer emoUSA
I am thinking more about some family that lives up one these hollers. We are not worring about a lake not getting to full pool. I'm curious to what lakes need to be filled. I know all the resevoirs on the Tennessee,Coosa, Alabama, Elk, Obey, Caney Fork, and Cumberland Rivers are past being full.
Yeah-try being an NHRA fan and make the trip to Atl and sit 2 days in a motel room, just to get postponed till next weekend with rain in the forcast again! At least you can fish in the rain.
Hope you guys have a good one this saturday! Oh yeah-try paralelling the rip-rap in Hales Bar Marina (on the Seradino side) with a blade. Last week I was getting some 3 lbrs' oughta there.
Too much now, will we cry the blues in August when it hasn't rained in a month or two. If they fill Lanier, maybe Ga. will quit crying about wanting Tennessee water.