Well-known member
Ram Jack Scott caught a catfish on a rattletrap yesterday! I had one eat a plastic worm one day last fall, but hitting a trap? Whodathunkit?emoLaugh emoScratch
RangerRob - 4/5/2007 6:15 AM
I had a 6-7 pound cat smack a trap in the CFF T on Saturday. Kinda freaked us out too...
I hate it when I blow up stuff with my crap too, LOL!!!!! emoLaughMrWiskers - 4/5/2007 4:05 PM
He also had a crap blow up on one
TennesseeTalker - 4/5/2007 1:58 PM
EEEWWWWW .. I'm thinking that's NOT a pretty picture!!!