RamJack's catfish 4-4

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Ram Jack Scott caught a catfish on a rattletrap yesterday! I had one eat a plastic worm one day last fall, but hitting a trap? Whodathunkit?emoLaugh emoScratch
RE: RamJack's catfish

RangerRob - 4/5/2007 6:15 AM

I had a 6-7 pound cat smack a trap in the CFF T on Saturday. Kinda freaked us out too...

Rob, I'm still mad at that stinkin fish!!!;)
RE: RamJack's catfish

I've caught a few on CB's before. You always get excited at first but soon realize.
it is not all that rare. i have caught several on cranks, hundreds on jigs, and bizzzions on spinnerbaits in the river!
My PB flathead came on a chrome/blue rattletrap at Weiss about 6 years ago in October. It was 25 lbs. and now resides in my catfish pond. Major fun catching that thing too.

I believe that this time of year channel cats actually move in where crappie are spawning to eat their eggs. I regularly catch channel cats while crappie fishing with tube jigs. I hooked one Monday morning that whipped my butt. He took nearly all my 6 lb. test line in a hurry! Then after about 5 minutes he managed to find something on the bottom to get under or around. Broke me off emoBang .... I never saw him but sure would have liked to. Or maybe it was actually a new state record crappie? emoLaugh
My dad had a channel blow up on a torpedo. He also had a crap blow up on one too. Landed them both. We usually catch a channel every trip in April and May on pig n jigs bass fishing. They also love tubes.
I caught a 20+lb blue this past saturday trolling a Yo-zuri crank.... caught a lot of channels on spinnerbaits.

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