Rarity Club at Shellmound?

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Feb 20, 2007
I heard a radio ad on the way home about pre-developed areas for sale on exit 158, Shellmound Rd. The ad was from Rarity Club (spelling?) and was offering waterfront areas for sale. I guess this is the area TVA recently sold. Anyone know for sure ?
That would be the one HLS. Right after you start down the road, there is a fancy sales office on the right side of the road.....gonna destroy some nice property I bet.
I have heard that the lots start at $250,000.00 and go up. There is nothing built there yet but they are working on a couple of areas on down closer to the dam. They are gonna move the shellmound rec area down close to the dam one day. There is supposed to be a marina and a golf course too.
We have to rarity properties up here, Rarity ridge, and rarity bay. One on Watts Bar and one on Tellico. Both are high dollar properties. They will make sure there are plenty of large docks for anglers to fish, and homeowners to whine about it.
I was looking for a waterfront lot but these are outragious. Waterview is around $800,000.00. Waterfront is 1.2 million.:eek:
jon the fisherman - 10/11/2007 6:37 AM

We have to rarity properties up here, Rarity ridge, and rarity bay. One on Watts Bar and one on Tellico. Both are high dollar properties. They will make sure there are plenty of large docks for anglers to fish, and homeowners to whine about it.

I played golf on the course on Tellico lake. It's nice course! I still hate that they tearing up land for all that.
i just want to know where all these people work or what business they own that way i know what kind of schooling my kids will need in the future
The people who buy this property don't work, they are rich and from out of town, snowbirds from florida.